Peter |
1 Peter 3
Unbelieving husbands can be won by the conversation of the wives if they live their lives to reflect Christ and His teachings in order that their husbands will see God in them and fear. Walking in the spirit of subjection and meekness and not in an overbearing "holier than thou" attitude just may influence him to desire the things of God. Naturally it stands to reason that Peter is not telling a wife to obey her husband to the point of being disobedient to God's word or committing sin. That is why it is so important to study the word as a whole and not set doctrine on just one verse apart from the rest of the teachings of God's word so that we get the words in proper context to understand what God is saying to us. The reason I stress this here is because I've heard crazy teaching on this subject to indicate that a wife is supposed to obey no matter what. She could end up in jail or worse yet, in hell so obedience to God is over and above any other, even a husband.
Chaste means to be pure, innocent and clean. Also the Holy Spirit abides within one that is walking in Christ and is obedient to His word. Other people will sense that.
The adorning of the wives should emphasize meekness, purity, love, and modesty not the over emphasis of the outward appearance. The adornment of women should reflect her faith and love for God. Some take this to mean that a woman can't wear any jewelry but if that was the case she couldn't wear any apparel which is clothing so we must look at the whole picture and figure out exactly what Peter under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is trying to tell us. This continues the subject of subjection and obedience by being modest and living in such a manner as to show that she belongs to the Lord, loves her husband and wants to draw attention to the Lord of her life rather than herself by not being obsessed with outward appearance a show of rebellion or doing her own thing. God has something better for her than the world around her that says she has a right to live according to all fleshly desires of exalting one's self. Submission, kindness, love and being obedient to God guarantees a life of fruitfulness instead of ruin. If some women are led of the spirit to not wear jewelry and dress what they think is modest, there is nothing wrong with that. I love the way the Amish dress myself; but that doesn't mean that it is a requirement for salvation and should never be forced upon a woman. Allow a woman of God to seek the Lord decide some things in her own heart instead of forcing religious convictions on her that the Lord may not have given her. A meek and gentle spirit should be the main emphasis.
Adornment should reflect godliness and holiness being in subjection to their own husbands. Never should her desire be to attract someone other than her husband.
Sarah obedience to Abraham is set as an example of submission and modesty. If you read the story of Abraham you will see that he was the head of the home and was a man that lived in the fear of God, yet to me he seemed to be very appreciative of Sarah and listened to what she had to say. My picture of Abraham is someone very kind and good to his wife. However, Hebrew women did wear jewelry as we see in the story of the servant that journeyed to find Isaac a wife.
If we study the scriptures for the purpose of learning about how husbands and wives should be one toward another, we must not stop with verse 6. Verse 7 brings out the husband's part. A husband is to honor his wife and treat her kindly. If there is not harmony between the husband and wife the prayers are hindered. Ever try to pray when you are mad at a spouse? It is very hard. (Been there done that).
This is beautiful. When you see a husband and wife with compassion for one another and also the same mind and the same spirit of unity, they are indeed a family. The same thing applies to a church body. A church will prosper in souls and in love if they are of the same mind and in unity having compassion one for another. When one cries they all cry, when one rejoices they all rejoice. This of course does not mean we unite for evil purposes. This is why God gave us the written word so that we can be sure all things measure up to the word and we can be unified in the word.
Our attitude should never be to "get even" but to live in peace and harmony. This will cause us to inherit a blessing from the Lord. In honor, prefer one another. Do not desire to sit in the chief seats, to be exalted above another brother, or to be in "charge". Walk in the spirit of meekness.
This must really prove that the tongue can kindle a lot of trouble. If we find people that fight and war all the time, the reason is usually that they can't control the tongue. To be quick to answer and talk back, "Tell someone off," is not the way of peace and godliness. There is a correct way to correct a wrong and to speak about disagreements. The bible shows us how. In the spirit of meekness, considering the feelings of the other person. Never should we have a "I'm right and your wrong, holier than thou attitude." If the person refuses to listen and hear correction, then we have to back off and leave he or she up to the Lord.
God hears the prayers of those who live righteously and seek peace. Those who speak evil of one another and cause trouble are not the ones whose prayers God hears unless of course the prayers are prayers of repentance.
If we suffer for the sake of righteousness then we are to count it a blessing. We don't have to fear. Even those that kill believers, after they kill, there is no more that they can do. The believer is in the presence of the Lord. If on other hand we suffer because of our own sins and faults then we bring reproach upon the gospel and the name of Jesus Christ.
Sanctify the Lord in our hearts is to hold Him in reverence. Make sure the Lord's presence is set in our hearts. To sanctify is to consecrate, to set aside for the Lord's use, to purify and to make holy. Be ready in season and out of season. Be filled with the Spirit. This is one reason the Holy Spirit is given to us for the power to witness to have answers for those who may question our faith. We can only do this by continuing in prayer and being mindful of His word. We used to call this being prayed up. Not lagging behind in spiritual growth and prayer so that when an opportunity comes to serve God in any capacity, we do it with faith, joy, and love. Not just soul winning which may be our first calling, but many other works that glorify the Lord. Everything we do for the Lord needs to be done in connection with the will of the Holy Spirit.
Keep our conscience pure and free from condemnation. Make sure there are no secret sins or outward sins that others may see. Then, when we are accused, the accusation will be false and not real.
Better to suffer when you do good than suffer for doing wrong. The example again is Jesus who suffered for the unjust although He was just Himself.
It looks like this verse actually means that Jesus preached to those who had departed this life and were in the bondage of hell. It would appear that this refers to those that were lost in the flood at Noah's time. This would answer those who question how the people who came before Jesus could possibly be saved. Since they had no possible way to hear the gospel before death maybe they heard it after death. This also proves that there is no soul sleep. Jesus was alive when His body was dead. Only the flesh dies. According to one bible scholar's opinion though the above verse says that Jesus actually went to the angels who were bound in prison and preached to them. He said that once humans die there is no way for them to be saved. However, why would He preach to angels? No matter who is right about theses verses, they do prove that there is no soul sleep and when physical death comes the soul and spirit of man is still very much alive in one place or another. Remembering that fact should encourage us to accept God's plan of salvation now and not wait expecting to get right with God before death or even after death. Why take a chance with your soul? Most preachers of the gospel believe that there is no chance after you die. Another point to bring out is the fact that once you meet the Lord and He becomes your savior, you really begin to live for the first time. You become alive. You now have something worthwhile to live for. Life has a meaning and purpose. Everyone is looking for a purpose for existing. You've heard the term, "Get a Life." This is where you get it; from the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe me until you find Him you will not find real life. I will repeat verse 20 and we can judge for ourselves what it means.
Looks to me like those who perished in the days of Noah may have had a chance to hear the gospel but I don't want to say for sure here just in case I may be wrong.
Jesus is now gone into heaven and received the authority given by God the Father to rule over all the earth with all men, power, angels etc. being in subjection to Him. Christ will rule at His Second Coming. -Dorna
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