Peter |
1 Peter 5
Peter talks a little of himself here as an elder who was a witness to the works and sufferings of Christ. He also was one of the disciples who saw Christ glorified in the Mount of Transfiguration. He saw a glimpse of the future. What I see in that vision is Elijah who was translated without dying and Moses who was there also but the bible records him actually dying. One of the angels and Satan was disputing over the body of Moses at one time. So Moses was dead but we see in that vision that the soul is still alive until the resurrection where all that believe will get a new body that can never die.
After Jesus was raised from the dead He instructed Peter to feed His lambs and sheep. Peter here admonishes us to do the same. This we are to do willingly and in love not for the purpose of exploitation of the people to rob them of their money. This should not be done because someone compelled you to do it. Teaching, preaching and overseeing the work of God should be done willingly as one is led by the Spirit of God.
We are not to be big bossy Lords but examples of love, meekness and holiness. Faithful service will result in a crown of glory at the coming of the Lord. This is one reason I shy away from church hierarchy. While we need godly leadership, it should be to obtain order and peace, not lording over someone and making one person more important than another.
Serve in humility and submission to the elders. This is the opposite attitude than we have in today's society where the elders are esteemed lightly and "too old" to be of any use. Our society tends to cater to the youth as leaders. We need to realize the elderly have had more experience and there is a lot from them we can learn. We must add too that elders are not always the older generation but older in the Lord, having served faithfully being experienced in the things of the Spirit.
To serve in humility and casting your care upon the Lord, will one day bring exaltation but by the Lord Himself. We never should exalt ourselves but give God all the glory.
Be spiritually alert because the devil seeks to devour and ruin our testimony before the world that we are trying to save.
We are to resist the devil and remain steadfast in our faith remembering our brothers and sisters in the Lord suffer the same afflictions and temptations. Resisting temptation and going through trials may temporarily bring distress but in the end the trials of faith bring forth fruits of perfection, strength, and steadfastness. DJC2 Peter 1
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