Ezekiel Chapter 24
This is the very day Nebuchadnezzar came against Jerusalem and destroyed it completely. This was a result of Zedekiah's rebellion instead of submitting to the authority of Nebuchadnezzar. This he did as a result of not believing the warning sent from God by His prophets.
Here we see another prophetic type of demonstration or pantomime.
This demonstrates the total judgment with no one left. Under the reigns of Jehoiakim and Jehoiachin the siege of Babylon was only partial. Some were left in the country and allowed to remain. Under Zedekiah though things changed because he rebelled and tried to turn to Egypt for help. This made Nebuchadnezzar furious and it caused this total waste of Judah. As the pot was boiled and all consumed by the fire, the whole city was destroyed by Babylon. The following verses give the reason for God allowing this judgment. Before the Babylon invastion, God sent prophets to tell them why judgment was to come upon them. They were not left in the dark. They remained in the dark about things when they refused to listen.
They preferred to believe in lies and refused to acknowledge that they had any sin and didn't need any repentance. The Jews in the time of Jesus did the same thing. Except for a remnant that believed in Jesus and accepted His offer of salvation, the main body of Jews rejected Him and believed the same kind of lie. That lie is the fact that they were okay and had no need to repent. This is the problem with those in today's world. We preach the gospel but so many do not see any need of repentance. They are blind to the fact that they are "in sin" and in need of repentance. This will get worse as evil grows and people will sin and not think it is wrong. This is why what was wrong in our grandmother's day is not wrong today in our minds and hearts. Our conscience is slowly beginning to sear. When we read the book of Revelation we see that the world is progressing backward to idolatry and slavery in which the gospel has freed us from. It took years since the coming of Jesus but slavery in the free world was wiped out. Idolatry except for churches which use images was literally gone. Now we see it coming back. Slavery will follow. Actually we have a form of slavery in human trafficking which is getting bad. As of now the government of the US doesn't sanction it but if we don't change our ways, it may come to that. When people begin to reject Jesus Christ either by refusing to believe that He is the Son of God that came to take away sins or they will claim to believe in Him but deny Him by their lifestyle caused by rejecting His words. The evil of idolatry, slavery, sexually immorality, gradually allowing murder and theft will return as being acceptable. We see this occurring today already. Murder is legal in the form of abortion. They are starting to kill even those that are still alive after they are born by abortion. Now they use the cells and body parts of aborted babies. This is only the beginning of legalized murder. Euthanasia will follow. Then we will have murder of those who disagree with whoever is in charge of the government. We will have murder of those who still believe in Jesus Christ and the doctrine of the bible being the word of God. They already call us fundamentalists. This has become a word that aligns a true Christian believer with those religions that are intolerant and evil. Believers in the literal interpretation of the bible are already considered dangerous and extreme. There may be false so-called Christian cults that are evil and misuse the bible for their purposes but the true Christian believes in the bible also but interpret the scriptures the right way but the world will not see it that way. Instead of being motivated by love and preaching the gospel to save the lost so that they will not go into a burning hell, we will be seen as hate-mongers and bigots who hate those that disagree with what they consider normal lifestyles. The devil will make sure to raise up a enough fakes and charlatans among us so the world will be deceived into believing we all are like that, hating instead of representing the true Christ in love and compassion.
It would seem as if God gave up on them at this point and refused to purge them from filthiness but allowed them to remain in that state. This is similar to Romans chapter 1 where God gives up on those that practiced idolatry which led them into immoral lifestyles refusing to repent and turn back to the true and living God who can deliver all from any type of sin. Idolatry and false religion will lead to sexual immorality. Following that will come slavery, theft and murder.
So we can see from scripture that evil in a nation starts out by simply denying who created them.
As God judged Israel for these things, He will also judge us in this day. Sometimes God doesn't have to actually do anything. The natural result of our actions eventually will destroy us without the intervention of God. Without His protecting hand, outside forces can destroy us either with military attacks, disease or natural disasters. America will not escape this judgment also if we do not repent. I say this in anguish and with compassion. We are not going to get by with government sanctioned abortion, sexual immorality, perversion, filth, pornography, euthanasia, and if we continue in this way eventually we will have slavery, murder, theft and other things which we will be judged for. Unless God stops us before we get that bad, we will have the murder of people who stay true to God's word and believe in Jesus Christ and keep His commandments. I don't believe true believers in Jesus will neglect to keep His word. To not keep His word is to deny Him just like those that deny Him as the Christ. Since writing the above paragraph, we now in 2024 have gender surgeries and hormone treatments given to those who want to change gender. This is also given to children who may give consent but are not old enough to realize what they are doing. It actually does not change their gender but ruins their little bodies for life. They can never reproduce children themselves.
Ezekiel's wife died as a sign from the Lord. He was not to mourn and weep for his wife showing what was to come upon Judah. This judgment was to be so severe that people have no time to mourn or weep for their dead. They will only be concerned with their own misery and despair.
The desire of their eyes was to be destroyed and that was the temple. They regarded the temple highly but in works they denied what the temple of the Lord stood for and that was the true worship of God. They had allowed idolatry and the sin that accompanies idolatry to profane and pollute the temple so it was destroyed.
Here is why all this came about: The first step to this happening to Judah and to any nation that once knew God but has turned from Him. After that are steps to becoming so evil that God has to bring judgment.
Israel in the Old Testament is a pattern to what I see now in Europe and the United States. What happens to them will happen to us. They once knew God like we once knew not only God but had the gospel of Jesus Christ the presence of the Holy Spirit and the written word we call the bible. We are without excuse just like they were without excuse. God send them prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and many others but they refused to see their sin. God sent Noah before the first flood to preach the way of righteousness but only 8 people were saved. God is sending many now to call us back to repentance but it is falling on deaf ears. We are more concerned with the economy and our possessions than we are righteousness. God has a better way if we would only walk with Him. Dorna
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