Ezekiel Chapter 3
We see another occasion when someone is instructed to eat the words of God. This was John in the book of Revelation. To eat is to consume, devour and take in the words contained within the pages of a book. When we study the word, share the word and live by the word of God it is similar to eating the word. As natural food is food for the body, the word of God is food for the soul and spirit. Without either kind, we die either physically or weak spiritually. Ezekiel was to eat this roll because is was a book of judgment and he was to share it's bitter contents with those to whom the Lord sent him to speak to.
We see that John also had a similar experience and the roll was sweet as honey and in John's case it made his belly bitter. Even though it doesn't say in the book of Ezekiel, I probably wouldn't be wrong to suppose that it made the belly of Ezekiel bitter also because the contents were of judgment. The bitterness would seem to indicate a harshness or a hard message to give forth. I've heard of messages being heavy and hard to deliver. This would be the case with both Ezekiel and John.
In John's case, he was to prophesy before many people, nations, tongues and people. Ezekiel was only sent to the house of Israel.
This was a hint of the gospel to come which was rejected by the house of Israel but received by the Gentile nations. In these latter times we live in, the Gentiles are starting to reject the gospel and many that have already accepted the gospel are now going into apostasy. The gospel is returning to the Jews even as I write these words. The Gentile church is in need of repentance and revival.
As Israel was once impudent and hardhearted, the same is happening to Gentiles. The time of the Gentiles and the Church Age may be drawing to a close. Our preachers need to give warning once again.
God gave Ezekiel the bravery and courage not to fear or be dismayed by the looks of the people that reject his message. Every true preacher of the gospel must also preach and teach with this determination. If they preach words that they think people will want to hear instead of what God wants preached then they might as well go get a secular job for they are wasting their time.
A preacher must first speak to himself and receive correction if one needs correction. In other words the teacher may need to apply God's word to himself first before delivering the message to the other hearers.
Imagine this situation. The prophets foretold that because of their sin, they would go into captivity to Babylon. The children of Israel did not listen. So it happened just as the prophets predicted. Still they did not repent and needed to be sent other warnings through Ezekiel while in captivity.
God is to be given glory and honor even in times when there is a message of doom and gloom to be given.
Many times when a faithful preacher or pastor has a heavy message upon his heart, he will not rest and will feel like he is in bitterness until the message is given. It brings a heaviness that does not lift until the deed is done.
That is exactly how one would feel if the word was burning inside them and they still have not given it forth. The presence of the Lord in that way does bring astonishment. I personally have felt the presence of the Lord in joy as we sing and praise the Lord, I've felt the presence of the Lord in quietness and in loud praise but when this type of presence described here is present it is different and the spirit does not rest until what God wants said is spoken. Astonishment is a good word to describe what is felt by the messenger.
What an awesome responsibility to be a watchmen and be responsible to speak the word of God and not stop short of what is to be said or not add to what is to be said. Everyone who claims to be a preacher, teacher, prophet, or anyone claiming to speak for God should always study these scriptures. It is more than a job, a position or a title by which one is called, Rabbi, or Reverent, Bishop etc., it is a heavy responsibility.
This is scary that a wicked man will die in his sin whether or not a watchmen chooses to share God's message of warning. Even scarier is the fact that if they fail to bring the message, the blood of that person is required of the person who was supposed to warn but did not.
I realize this is the Old Testament before Christ but if it was true here, I believe it is still true under grace. We are saved by grace and not by works or the law, religious sacraments or outward ceremonies but we are saved by repenting of sin and trusting in God's grace to save us. If we return to the sin that Jesus saved us from and fail to repent by the time we die, we are not automatically covered by the blood of Jesus. Repenting of sin covers us with that blood and that takes our sin away. To return to sin willfully without repenting in other words continuing in sin would reverse or bring back the condemnation that Christ died to save us from. Some teaching eternal security and one that comes to Christ can never be lost. Three are far too many "Ifs" in the scritpure. Jesus did say He can believes in me shall have eternal life but if one willfully continues in sin, it is a sign that he or she has stopped believing so they no longer would be safe. At least that is they way I see it. They forgot that they were cleansed of sin and are living just as if they haven't come to Jesus for salvation. Some also believe that eventually the HolySpirit will draw them back into His grace. We must repent if we sin after we come to Christ. Preachers who believe in eternal security need to warn their people not to return to sin and repent if they do.
Has God changed His mind about this? It would seem as if after God allowed His Son to come in human flesh and suffer beatings, torture and crucifixion at the hands of wicked men, having been lifted up stripped, and suffering before the whole world, that it would be a worst penalty to be cleansed from sin by turning to Christ and then deliberately go back into the sin Jesus died to save us from, and then expect to be covered by His grace. That type of teaching is turning the grace of God into lasciviousness or a license to sin. However genuine heart felt repentance restores us to a right relationship and renewed fellowship with our Lord.
God has His own timing. There is a time to speak and a time to refrain from speaking. There are times when the messenger has to be prepared, has to rest and has to wait upon the Lord. Still there may be times when God has to prepare the hearers and arrange for them to be at the right place at the right time. Ezekiel was bound by those that rejected his message as many have been throughout the centuries. A watchman has to be prepared for rejection. In fact if our message is always received with joy, there may be something wrong. Preaching against sin and bringing warning of judgment is considered judgmental and negative. They are often called prophets of doom or doomsday preachers. Yet according to this book, if they fail to deliver that message they will give an account to God and maybe lose their souls. If all we hear is feel good ear tickling motivational sermons, something is badly wrong with what we are hearing. Let us study the word ourselves and receive the engrafted word that is able to save our souls. The word of the Lord will enlighten our eyes to see and our ears to hear.
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