Ezekiel Chapter 36
This is what the enemies of Israel are trying to do now. Pressure from the world wants them to give away their land to have peace but it is in vain. No matter how much they give away, peace will not come that way. The enemies of Israel do not want them even to exist.
In reading bible prophecy many times we can literally see into the heart of God. God hates sin especially within people who should know better. God brings judgment for sin visiting the judgment first upon the house of God and then upon the heathen but we see also that God does not like to see us gloat over the destruction or misfortune of other nations. When we observe God's judgment upon those that are our enemies or rivals, He sees our reaction. Is it like these nations thinking, Aha they got what they deserved? This reaction displeases almighty God. When He sent judgment upon His people Israel, He still considered Israel as His people remembering His promise to Abraham. When He saw the reaction to this judgment by the nations surrounding Israel, that caused His anger to rise against them even more severely than Israel. So what should our reaction be when we see nations destroyed by the judgment of God? First of all I think a mourning or compassion should be our reaction. A mourning that God had to judge in such a manner and a compassion upon those that lost homes, lives, families and other things. If that nation had an evil ruler like Adolph Hitler for instance, we can rejoice that the evil is brought to an end and persecution against God's people has been avenged but to rejoice over the loss of souls and lives would never please God. Another reaction should be that we fear God lest the judgment for the same sins be visited upon us as individuals or as a nation. This type of awesome fear would bring us to repentance and into favor with God if we correct the error and seek the face of God.
Here is the promise of the restoration of Israel to be even greater than ever before.This is partly fulfilled now but there is another time of trouble coming to bring them to Christ. After the time of Jacob's trouble that is to come when the Gentile nations try to wipe them out again, they will be restored a final time in which no one can ever harm them and take their land away again. They have already returned to some of the land God originally promised them but the time will come when all of it is restored. They are only in their land physically at this time but they need to be restored spiritually. The only way that can be done is for Israel as a nation to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This is already coming to pass. When God says something, nothing can stop it but the enemies of Israel will try to prevent the work of God.
God allowed all this evil to befall Israel because they profaned the name of God and served idols. God also judged the heathen who boasted against Israel and desired to take their land. Even today not all Israel serves the Lord. Many are still profaning the name of God. We are not to condone what they do but we are not to boast against them for the day is coming when they will turn to the Lord. God will restore Israel for His name's sake. His word concerning them will surely come to pass. They sinned yes, but they will be cleansed from that sin when they turn to the Lord.
Most of Israel do not understand this as yet but that fountain is the blood of Jesus which is the only way to be cleansed from sin and inherit the salvation of God.
The more we want to know the will of God and understand God's word, we will understand. If anyone asks wisdom, he can ask of God and God will give them wisdom but we must ask with faith and with the motive that we will receive what God gives us.
This is only fulfilled in a small portion. The latter day gathering of Israel under Jesus Christ will fulfill this completely.
We must rejoice for this prophecy is the salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and the baptism of the Holy Ghost that believers in Jesus receive. This was fulfilled in part on the day of Pentecost when a remnant was baptized in the Holy Ghost. The Gentiles also received this outpouring recorded in the book of Acts and then later during the late 19th and early 20th century. This will be completely fulfilled during the latter day tribulation period which mainly concerns bringing Israel back to God and bringing judgment upon the enemies of Israel.
This day is not here yet but it is coming. Imagine being called the God's people and God wanting to be our God. Only lack of faith in Jesus Christ hinders that from happening to Jew or Gentile. Jesus is the bridge back to God.
Notice that as with the Gentile church it is the same with Israel. We must be cleansed from sin to inherit the salvation of God and eternal life through Jesus Christ.
This is the only true way to get right with God. We have to acknowledge our sin and turn away from it along with our faith in Jesus Christ. Our faith in Christ allows us to have trust in Him and believe Him for salvation. Since He died for our sins we must be willing to forsake those sins in order to benefit from the sacrifice He made for sin. He doesn't save from sin for us to willingly and knowingly return to sin expecting to be saved. We must be genuinely sorry enough to turn away from them.
God never once excuses Israel's sin but only asks that they forsake the sin and live in righteousness.
This is why Israel still has trouble to this day because they have not yet been cleansed from sin. To be cleansed they must recognize the one that does the cleansing. This is the one God sent to cleanse them from sin.
Repentance and cleansing from sin is part of the gospel. We can't preach Christ without repentance and a willingness to forsake sin.
All the restoration of Israel materially and spiritually will be a testimony to the rest of the world.
Israel's spiritual restoration will affect them in all other areas. Sometimes the church has made the mistake of using the blessing promised to Israel to teach the latter day prosperity doctrine. This is a serious error. God blesses a nation that observes Him and receives His word. That in turn will cause material blessings as well as spiritual but that doesn't mean that everyone will get rich and there will be no poor. When Jesus comes to set up His kingdom, there will be material blessings but it is no guarantee now. While it is true that God cares for those that give in a biblical manner. We are not to give however, in order to receive or achieve wealth. We are to give out of compassion and with a cheerful heart. We should not expect to get rich and profit for our giving. Our reward should be the joy of helping spread the word of God and support local pastors who feed the flock on a regular basis. Except for missionaries and those that labor in other lands, I would be careful about sending money to any organization we haven't verified as legitimate. Be led by the Holy Spirit. We are not promised riches in this life. In fact there are some that lose their jobs and homes because of their faith in Christ. There are those that are persecuted and have to leave everything behind when they flee persecution. Jesus said not to lay up treasures here on earth. The faithful in Christ will inherit what Israel inherits but it will be when Jesus returns to rule and reign on the earth. The material blessings are promised to Israel if they live the way God wants them to live. As Gentile Christians we may do well materially but we may not. We may lose everything for the cause of Christ. In that case our reward will be when He comes again. We have no guarantees in this life but the spiritual blessings and the ever presence of God is our constant reward and we will receive all other things at His coming.
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