Isaiah |
Isaiah Chapter 14
This part of prophecy is plain and must refer to the latter days when Israel is in their own land. Israel had no nation after 70 AD when the Romans destroyed it. They were scattered all over the world until a miracle happened after the German holocaust. God used Harry Truman and a few other world leaders to bring the nation of Israel back into existence. This had to happen so that the latter day prophecies could come to pass. At this present time, February 2025, they are in their own land but they are not at peace. They are surrounded continually by enemies and as a nation they have not yet recognized their true Messiah. They also have not yet received all the land promised to them by the Lord when He spoke to Abraham. The peace of Israel is still yet in the future. One day they will be honored and respected as a nation and will be free from persecution but that is not yet happened.
Part of this prophecy has taken place in part. After almost 2,000 years of wandering from place to place and being scattered all over the world, the Jewish people have returned to their own land at least in part. The nation of Israel is in existence again starting in 1948. As I mentioned before, they have not yet received all the land they are entitled to but they are back in their own land that was promised to their father Abraham. The nations that persecute Israel need to take heed because those who take captive will be taken captive. Israel will one day rule over their oppressors. According to bible prophecy Israel will be the place from which the Messiah rules. That will be the capital of all nations. This will probably not happen until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Before that time arrives the antichrist (man of sin, beast, dragon) will arise first. He will try to be the ruler of all nations with his throne in Israel. Many will follow this one but he is not Jesus the Messiah. There have been many forerunners of this latter day antichrist that tried to wipe out the Jewish people. The latter day one just before the visible return of Jesus will be far worse than even Hitler. Jesus will come with His saints from above. He will not be born as a babe in the manger a second time. All these words I write are my understanding of bible prophecy and are not to be taken as perfect truth. Always pray for your own understanding. The words in bold are the actual words of God contained in the bible. I am human and can make mistakes. God makes no mistakes. I write according to my own understanding by my own studies of God's word.
This part of the prophecy is yet to come for Israel has not yet received rest from all sorrow and fear as we saw on October 7th, 2023. Enemies, some of which do not recognize their right to even exist as a nation, surround them.
I believe this refers to a future rise again of Babylon, either the actual city or some similar city in deeds and purpose. The coming of Jesus Christ to redeem and save Israel will destroy this king of Babylon. I get this understanding from the book of Revelation.
The Lord will break the staff of the wicked and the sceptre of rulers. Evil rulers will be destroyed and not be allowed to oppress any people.
The antichrist and any evil ruler that fits this description will be destroyed and the people he tormented will be free.
We see clearly that this refers to the reign of Christ. The earth will one day rejoice in the reign of Christ. This time period and only at this time will there be peace on the earth. Have you ever heard the Christmas song with the words, "Peace on Earth Good will toward men," that is really words of prophecy because we see clearly that there is no peace on the earth and there was none at the first coming of Jesus Christ. Peace will only happen when Jesus Christ destroys the evil rulers and those that support evil rulers. Then and only then will there be peace. One will try to come before Jesus talking of peace and claiming to usher in that peace but he will not be the one.
Hell will enlarge itself to receive the wicked rulers. The antichrist, spoken of as the beast, and the false prophet, which causes people to worship the beast, will be cast alive into hell at the coming of Jesus Christ. Those that receive the mark of the beast and follow him in wickedness will be destroyed along with him.
Satan and all that represent him will be cast into hell. Lucifer is Satan. He will one day be cast into hell. During the reign of Christ he will be bound for 1000 years. The reason is that Lucifer was not satisfied with being one angel along with many. He wanted to be the big chief of all. He wanted to take God's place and rule over everything. He is the father of all sin, lies, murder, deceit, false religion, hate, fornication, adultery, witchcraft, sorcery, idolatry. He will not win and he knows it. He is out to destroy all mankind. He is jealous of God's creation of men and women. He desires to take as many of us as he can to hell with him. He is the author of all sickness, cancer, pain, torment, slavery, misery, sexual immorality that goes against God's divine order, pain, filthiness and wants to all of us to be engulfed with all that stuff so that we become separated from God. He actually wants us to be lost and enter hell with him. We don't have to be going where he is going though. That is the sole reason that Jesus came the first time, "To give us a way out." He made a way of escape so that we don't have to go to hell. Sin will be destroyed forever. Jesus died in our place for our sins. If we accept His sacrifice and receive Him as savior then we don't have to die for our own sins. He already did that. If we don't let Him take away our sins, if we don't believe in Him, then we will have to die for our own sins and be lost forever. In other words to reject Christ is to enter into eternal death which is hell. Souls are alive in hell but it will be so awful and tormenting that it is called death. The souls of humans are eternal. They will go somewhere at physical death. The soul goes either to heaven or hell. Through Jesus we don't have to enter hell. We can be free through faith in Him. That is the only way. Good works, religion, and just being good will not get anyone into heaven. The way to heaven is faith in Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made to pay for our sins. To receive Christ is life, to reject Christ is death. It is our choice. Choose this day whom to serve. If we continue in sin we will be lost, if we let Jesus remove our sin, we will be saved. Sin is what separates from God. Jesus came to take that old ugly stuff away from us and make us free. The blood He shed on that cross will cover all our sins if we believe in Him and receive Him as the new Lord over our lives. We must be humble as a little child and confess our sins not be exalted in ourselves. Satan exalted himself and became full of pride. He wanted to exalt himself even above God. We have to be the exact opposite.
It appears here that people will actually be able to see into hell and view the one that tried to destroy all mankind and all nations with his evil.
This should be enough for us to run the opposite way. Run to Jesus our Christ so that we will not be destroyed along with Satan. The seed of evildoers shall follow after Satan and end up where he ends up.
This is the future final destruction of Babylon and all the evil that went with Babylon.
If the Lord says anything at all it will come to pass. Nothing shall stop it unless it is a prophecy that gives a choice like in the story of Jonah. Nineveh repented at one time and God reversed His plan for their destruction. We need to be on the Lord's side and choose His righteousness. We have no righteousness of our own and we need His righteousness.
The Assyrian, which is the antichrist, shall be broken, he will not continue and his time on the earth will be short. People will think he is the answer to all of the problems of the earth. Some will even worship him and take his mark but he does not continue and all who follows him will be destroyed along with him. Did Hitler last? Did Joseph Stalin? They are gone. The antichrist will also be destroyed in an even shorter time as they. His evil will be worse that Hitler and Stalin's. How do we escape this evil, Jesus Christ. Run to Him and be safe in Him. It is the only way of escape. No religion, creed or doctrine can save us. It will take the new birth that comes from Jesus Christ.
Nothing will change the word of God from coming to pass. At His word it shall stand. It is forever and unchangeable.
This part of the prophecy reverts back to the present time in Isaiah and this part refers to an immediate fulfillment. Years ago the Philistines were defeated. They were not to gloat because Israel was broken for out of the root of Israel would be one to defeat them again. Palestina is said to have been the Philistines.
What shall one then answer the messengers of the nation? That the LORD hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it. The sum of the past and present prophecy is the victory for Israel and Judah over enemies that sought to destroy them.
©2025 |