Isaiah |
Isaiah Chapter 20
As we study the bible we see a law of sowing and reaping always happens. What one nation does to another, the same thing will happen to them. Especially if they do evil to innocent people. Israel was led into captivity many times for departing from God and wanting to serve idols of other lands. God allows the other lands to take them captive but He also delivers them and brings judgment upon the other nations. Without God we have no protection again nations that desire to do evil. This was a sign to those who watched Isaiah's actions which was a warning of what was to come. The nation of Assyria was going to lead into captivity people naked and barefoot. They were to be stripped of possessions, apparel and anything valuable. All through history when people are led into captivity they do not take with them their possessions and they lose all civil rights. This is done to break their spirit and weaken them so that they can't fight back. It humiliates them. This same thing happened during the German holocaust in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Here the Egyptians would lose all dignity and rights. They were to be led away captive by the Assyrians. This prophecy is already passed and did literally happen. In Isaiah 37 we see that the angel of the Lord was sent to deliver Israel from the Assyrians. God was then and is now the only true help. Ezekiel has a prophecy concerning Egypt also.
This prophecy is true. Egypt is a base kingdom now and always has been since the time the Assyrians took them captive. They will also be part of the latter day prophecies concerning the anti-christ. Egypt is also mentioned in the prophecies of the prophet Daniel. We must remember though that Christ rules forever in the end.
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