Isaiah |
Isaiah Chapter 21
This next prophecy in Isaiah was fulfilled but prophecy is sometimes repeated like a pattern until the final fulfillment. This prophecy concerns the destruction of Babylon by the Medes. Even though God used Babylon to punish Judah for their rebellion against Him, He later brings destruction to Babylon. This seems to happen again in latter times.
This prophecy distresses Isaiah. He felt like a woman giving birth to a baby in labor. Isaiah literally felt the impact of these prophecies in his own body. He was not shallow and indifferent at all but actually felt the sufferings of the people that he was prophesying against. He is not pictured as a "holier than thou," "See I told you so, " type. A true person of compassion will desire to see repentance and restoration rather than destruction. They have to preach warning, judgment and foretell of destruction but they should not desire to see it come to pass but rather desire that people change, repent and avert judgment.
This is about the destruction of Babylon years before Babylon even defeated the kingdom of Judah. This literally took place. I know there is also a Babylon in the latter days that is to be upon the earth. I don't know if it is a place that exists now and has the same spirit and idolatry. Perhaps it may be a literal rebuilding of Babylon in the same vicinity (which is modern Iraq). Who knows? We do know from the book of Revelation that there is a latter day prophecy concerning Babylon, which shall arise and be judged by the Lord also. It is a place that has forsaken the true God and is full of idolatry and evil. One trait they do have is the persecution of Jews and also those that bring the gospel. If that society would be anti-Semitic and anti-Christian to the point of actual persecution then they could fulfill the role of the Babylon that the bible pictures as a woman riding the beast in Revelation. This is just my own speculation here and should be considered just that and not the word of God. This prophecy here depicts immediate fulfillment of Isaiah's day, which did literally happen.
This prophecy deals with Arabia. This country we know still exists today. Dedanim is the descendants of Abraham from his son Dedan which he had by his wife Keturah after the death of Sarah.
Tema are the descendants of Abraham by his son Ishmael.
These prophecies also have been literally fulfilled.
Kedar is another descendant of Abraham through Ishmael. I notice that most of Israel's enemies are the other children of Abraham. They are actually relatives. Isaac and Ishmael had to be divided. One going one way and the other going another. Ishmael according to the bible became a nation of 12 princes. God increased Ishmael because he was the son of Abraham. Isaac the natural son of Sarah was the one that God chose to be the one to bless the whole world. Through the seed of Isaac came forth Jesus Christ, which was to be the savior and God in the flesh. It is interesting to note that most of the children of Abraham through his other wives are now of the the nations that surround Israel. The children of Israel are mostly Jewish. Neither one is Christian as nations as a whole, but individuals among them have become believers in Jesus Christ. This is happening now 2016-2025 in greater numbers than ever before. Even though the promised Messiah came through the seed of Abraham not many were Christians except for those that started as believers in Jesus...the 12 apostles and other disciples. The Jewish people started Christianity but as a nation they have not yet come to Christ. The gospel was mostly accepted by Gentiles after 70AD. Gentiles that come to Christ become adopted into the seed of Abraham by faith in Jesus. It is so important to walk in love and compassion toward those in other religions. If we show hate and prejudice we bring reproach upon the name of Christ and Christianity. We also bring reproach upon His name if we allow sin to prevail into our lives after claiming Christianity. Some countries already call the United States the great Satan. I hope they don't attribute the sin in the U. S. with Christianity but they might. Many nations that claimed Christianity have done things so unchristian that it is a miracle that anyone has accepted Christianity. Jesus desires that we be the exact opposite to being full of bigotry, prejudice, and hate. This does not mean that we are to accept sin just to get along. We can make a stand against sin without hating the one who sins. A good comparison is our own children. We correct them when they do wrong and do not accept their wrongdoing but we still love them. So true love of God does not accept sin but they have compassion on the lost.
©2025 |