Isaiah |
Isaiah Chapter 22
This indicates that the houses had flat roofs. This was the place that people gathered to socialize or to view the city. They could see when the enemy came. Apparently they went up to the housetops to watch the coming invasion. The question is "What ails you that you have gone up to the housetops?" This seems to indicate fear of the coming invasion and the fled to the roof for safety.
Isaiah seems more distressed than the inhabitants of the city. Maybe they did not realize the trouble that was coming or else they did realize it but failed to connect it to the judgment of God. Instead of repenting and crying out to God, they gathered to watch. Yet even if they feared the invasion it didn't lead them to repentance.
This clearly states that God allowed this invasion for the purpose of bringing judgment upon Jerusalem. Even though tragedy was ready to strike, they did not heed nor recognize their need for repentance and God. They were blind to their own spiritual condition. We need to always pray that we will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and be able to hear His prodding and prompting. We need to pray continually that our conscience never becomes seared and that our ears do not become dull of hearing. The best time to receive the fullness of God into our lives is today. Tomorrow or later is never a good word when it comes to seeking the Lord.
It is so sad. They made preparation for defense and did all the right things to defend the city yet did not do the thing that would save them. They neglected to repent and seek the Lord. He and He alone could save them. Hezekiah only turned to the Lord as a last resort. He should be our first resort. We should not wait until we try everything else first. When I read these passages I see the traits of these people similar to us today. We do the same things and so many run to and fro and never bother to seek God until all else fails. We need to recognize our dependency and need for our Lord. We build great armies, we appoint security for our homeland, we have many things in place for defense but we ignore and deny God's word and God's existence. Thank our God for the many that do seek Him, acknowledge Him, trust in Him and live theor lives for Him.
Instead of repenting and seeking God they celebrated. Instead of seeking cleansing, mercy and restoration they did not recognize the seriousness of the situation. Many today do not recognize their spiritual need. They ignore the prodding of the Holy Spirit. They let the hope of eternal life pass by them and think only of this life and how much fun and entertainment they can have. Many do not see what sin actually does to us. It kills and destroys both the soul and body. We can be free from all that junk and have love, joy and peace by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. We don't have to live in sin. Some think Jesus only came to forgive sins. Hey, He came to deliver from sins, to wash them away, and to make all things new. We do not have to put up with that junk in our lives. We can be free. The bible says, "If we ask anything in His name believing, we shall receive."
We cannot get by with sin that is never repented of and spiritual neglect. If we don't receive God and the provision He made to free us from sin, we will die in our sins and face eternal judgment. Many of us preach the love of God and how He forgives and we should. He does love and wants to forgive. The thing is that we have to ask. We have to desire Him in our lives. We have to seek Him. He will not force salvation on any of us. If we continually turn away from Him and go our own ways, we will be lost forever.
Shebna was brought down because of his pride. He exalted himself and sought to build an elaborate tomb for himself. Instead he was brought into captivity and judgment. Eliakim son of Hilkiah who happened to be in the lineage of David from which came later, Jesus Christ, took his place. The key of the house of David was upon his shoulders. This seems to be a hint of Messianic prophecy also. Eliakim is a priest which existed after the captivity of Judah ends. This part of the prophecy has been literally fulfilled. Verse 25 is explained as Shebna's removal from office in which Eliakim is appointed in his place. The reason it also could refer to Jesus was because Jesus was crucified and was removed temporarily but unlike Shebna, He was resurrected and will return as the eternal king. We see by these studies that pride and exaltation of oneself is to be avoided at all costs. One that exalts himself is eventually brought down and debased. God resists the proud but gives His grace to the humble. We could do well to take heed to the warnings of the Old Testament scripture. Our confidence and trust should always be in the Lord and not in man or self. We fail miserably but God never does. Trusting in Jesus is the only solution to any problem. The moment we think we can in make it on our own, we will discover that we can't without God. Mankind has tried in vain to rule without God for centuries. We are still faced with the same problems that we have always faced. Sure technology and the standard of living has increased but violence still prevails, abortion, hate, prejudice, and poverty still exists in greater numbers than before in history. We have not solved the world's problems and will not without the reign and everlasting rule of Jesus Christ.
©2025 |