Isaiah |
Isaiah Chapter 27
For some reason the enemy of our souls, has hated Israel as a nation and has sought to destroy it completely. He destroys from within and lures them to sin against God so that God removes His protection and presence. That way other nations even more evil than they can come in and destroy their cities. This has happened many times throughout history. One day that crooked serpent will at last be permanently defeated but until then Israel needs to return to God with repentance and receive the Son of God that was sent to save their souls. We who believe in Jesus Christ become adopted into this good way so in some ways this applies to us as believers in Christ. The crooked serpent is a symbol of Satan. He comes to kill, steal and destroy. He defiles all the earth and is the father of all lies, evil, murder, deceit, adultery, lust, witchcraft, idolatry and everything else that is destroying our society. His Day of Judgment is coming. Until then God has given us a way of escape from his clutches. Our escape is Jesus Christ. Run to Him and receive victory over sin and escape the coming wrath and judgment of God. He is the only way of salvation. If there were another way, Jesus would not have had to die on a cross to pay for our sins.
Here we see that although God was once angry with Israel for idolatry and disobedience, at this time in future prophecy, He is not angry any more. Israel at this point in time has seen their need for salvation and has turned to God. They have recognized that Jesus Christ whom their forefathers had crucified is indeed the Messiah that the builders once rejected. Further proof of this is in Zechariah 12: 10.
Israel now having been made free from sin and found their way back to God begins to blossom and take root. They now fulfill their purpose that started with the call of Abraham to bring forth salvation to the whole world. This little despised nation will be the place from which our Lord Jesus Christ returns and rules the world.
God will smite Israel because of sin and destroy all that is offensive. All idols are to pass away. Yet He will not destroy them entirely. His promise to Abraham will come to pass and nothing shall stop it. Their iniquity is to be purged and sin taken away. No one but Jesus Christ can do this. Rejection of Jesus leaves us in our sin whether Jew or Gentile. Jesus is the one God sent to take sin away. If we remain in sin we will be judged but if our sin is taken away by the blood of Jesus Christ, we will escape judgment and the wrath of God. We see here in the future that Israel find out who is the savior. They discover their need to be cleansed from sin and then they receive Him as savior the same as "True Christians" do. I say that to emphasize that not all who call themselves Christian truly are Christian. A Christian is one who accepts and believes the gospel. He is one who has repented and allowed the blood of Jesus to take away their sins. He is one who loves the Lord and endeavors to follow Him from then on. They may make mistakes and even sin but he recognizes that the sin must be repented of and removed before it begins to take root and grow. To go back into sin knowingly after receiving Christ without seeing the need to repent and try to live Godly is to crucify Jesus all over again. When we sin, are we truly sorry or are we only sorry that we were found out. True repentance is being grieved that we would offend and break the Word of God. We should not want anything in our lives that would separate us from the constant fellowship of the Lord. We live in a feel good society that encourages "self esteem" and accepting our human traits as normal. This is really the exact opposite of the truth in the word of God. The word of God teaches that we all have sinned, we are separated from God because of that sin and we need someone other than ourselves to take that sin away and restore our relationship to God. When we trust in Jesus to take our sin away, then our dependency is in Him not ourselves. When we trust in ourselves apart from Christ we will fall flat on our face. We need God, as individuals, as families, as churches, as cities, and as a nation.
The enemies of Israel and all the children of God will be destroyed and cut off. The outcasts shall be gathered together in the land of Israel. All will worship the Lord in the holy mount at Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be the capital of the world. Jesus Christ will reign there. All those who believe in Him will reign with Him. At last peace will be in force over all the earth. We see from the study of scripture that before peace comes, evil prevails which is what we see in the present time. There may come a ruler first who many will believe is the Messiah and he will promise peace and will attempt to rule the world maybe even from Jerusalem. This one will be the "false" one who comes in his own name. John 5:43 hints of this:
We need to take heed of this. There will first come a wicked ruler who will claim to be as God sitting in the temple of God. When he first arises he will be admired as the one who can solve all problems and get the economy going good. This is why is scares me when we admire evil leaders and do not care what they do as long as the economy is good. The economy was good in the days of Hitler but look what evil he did? Was a few good times worth it? Do we actually want to gain materially at the expense of someone else? Is it okay to lie, cheat, steal, defraud and live immorally as long as the economy is good? In saying that, there are good leaders God may raise us with excellent business sense and can create a great economy so just because some make great leaders that really care about people and cause a nation to flourish doesn't mean he or she is the antichrist. A good economy by the antichrist will be only temporary until all hell breaks loose. This evil leader will gain support, perhaps of the whole world but his reign will turn into a terror much greater than any person before him; greater than even Hitler and Stalin. He will probably make Hitler look like a choirboy. When it looks like all is hopeless, that is when Jesus Christ comes to destroy the wicked one with the brightness of His coming and He and His people will rule forever.
©2025 |