Isaiah |
Isaiah Chapter 31
We see here a return to the warning part of prophecy. This was a warning to those who trust in Egypt for help. Their trust was in Egypt, abundance of horses and vehicles, not in the Lord. Sometimes people are so quick to blame God when bad happens but never seek Him for guidance and counsel. Israel had knowledge of God and had His word. They did not seek His guidance and sought to get help from foreign countries. They gloried in great armies and the strength of man instead of trusting in God. Unfortunately mankind has not changed in that area much.
This was true then and is still true. Evil workers will not always prevail. Their strength is only temporary.
This we all need to remember. Egyptians were only men not God. Horses were not spirits. God is everlasting and a sure thing. Men fail, material things pass away but the God is forever. They were looking at the many numbers of chariots and horses of the Egyptians, thinking surely with all that, they would be safe; not so. Israel many times turned to outside help only to find that outside help turn on them in the end. God was their only sure help. The times it seemed that God was not there to help probably meant that sin was separating them from God. God wants to help and send salvation but unbelief, sin and lack of acknowledging Him cuts off His blessings. Sometimes we may temporarily feel cut off because of trials and temptations but that is just a temporary trying of our faith. Many times we have trouble though because we have gotten away from Him and became so busy that our prayer life is almost dead. When we do not seek Him, He can't possibly guide us in the right direction and we begin to make mistakes and trust in the wrong things. We then get into trouble and wonder why God allows it to happen. It would be like a neighbor starving without food. We go out and buy food, knock on the door with food in our arms but they shut the door in our face and do not let us in. We then sat the bags of food down and walk away hoping they will see them. We call on the phone. They do not answer yet we know they are capable of answering, yet do not. We wait and wait but they do not open the door and get our gift of food. God has the answers to all we need but He will not use force. He does not force us to serve Him. If we insist on our own way and doing our own thing, we will be able to do so but with hazardous results. I realize that sometimes bad happens through no fault of our own. What I am talking about here is bad happening because of our own mistakes and then we question God’s care because of it or we blame God.
Again the prophet turns back to predicting the help that comes from God. God will always defend Jerusalem. Jerusalem has an eternal purpose and call of God.
Here is a call to return to the Lord from which they had forsaken. One day they will cast away their gold, silver and idols. The oppressing Assyrian shall fall. This had a partial fulfillment when Assyria fell but it also has a latter day fulfillment when those enemies that surround Jerusalem and desire to take over that city shall be cut off by the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ and His armies from heaven. Many believe the Assyrian mentioned here could very well be the antichrist or deceiver who is to come in his own name sitting in the temple of God claiming to either represent God or take the place of God.
©2025 |