Isaiah |
Isaiah Chapter 48
Here is people who make much mention of the name of God and have an outward show of believing in Him but in works, deeds, truth and faith they are far from Him. Their religion had become a show and an outward observance and did not change their lifestyle or heart. They were not serving Him in truth and in righteousness. This can happen to us also. We could be only outward professors of Christianity without having an inward change or a zeal for God. This is why we are encouraged to seek the Lord continually and be filled with the Spirit so that we may be fruitful and abound. Learning to walk in the Spirit gives victory over the weakness of the flesh. Seeking the face of the Lord daily strengthens the inner being so that we can be full of the joy of our salvation and renew ourselves in the love of God constantly. We do not have to be dry and stale Christians or those who have lost their original first love for the Lord or who have lost their way back into sin.
Being obstinate comes as a result of failing to seek God and seeking His will and rule in our lives. It sort of like we get hardened, proud, self made. We neglect our need for God when we think we can get along by just being a good person. Sin creeps in when we start to neglect the things of the spirit. This is what happened to Israel. They started to forsake the worship and love of God to mix and mingle with those that worshipped other gods and allowed things in their lives that were forbidden by the scripture. As long as we are walking in daily fellowship with the Lord and also have fellowship with fellow believers in the Lord at the same time, we will be less likely to fall back into sin.
God showed Israel clearly from the beginning His greatness and power so that they could not give credit for their success on the idols or false gods of other nations.
I'm thinking that the more we study the word and seek the presence of God, the more we too can find the hidden things of God we didn't know before.
They saw more miracles and wonders by the power of God than any other nation in history yet they fell away and begun to transgress as soon as they got away from their fervent worship of God. Sin has a tendency to overtake us just as soon as coming forth from our mother's womb. God has provided a way that we don't have to go that way. Just as soon as we begin to see how much we need our Lord and savior that is the beginning of opening the door to victory over sin. The Holy Spirit draws us to the Lord and when we respond with a yes, we will find God.
Great is His mercy toward those many times but it was sad too to see them lost out on God's best because of unbelief.
They were still chosen of God and He deferred His anger for the sake of the Holy Name and Authority of the Lord God of Israel.
Israel suffered so much afflictions throughout the years. Even today Israel is a hated nation. These sufferings is caused by their forsaking God and rejecting Christ although biblical prophesy tells us this is the way it would happen, the result of which brought the gospel to Gentile nations. Although it was prophesied though it will not excuse those that do the hating and persecuting. They will be judged by God. Woe to any that come against Israel or any true believer in Christ or those that try to divide the land God originally gave to Israel.
God pleads with Israel to listen and return with repentance and seek the Lord. He reminds them of His greatness and the glory of His creation.
God brought vengeance to the Babylonians because of their treatment of Israel. Even when God allows other nations to punish Israel, He also punishes the nations when the time to redeem Israel is done. Usually the punishing nations go further in their cruelty than God ever intended.
This is the prophecy concerning Cyrus. God called Cyrus for the purpose of delivering Israel from the Babylonian captivity. It could also be a prophesy concerning Israel as a nation. He called Israel from the time of Abraham to bring forth the one that was to bring salvation to the whole world. This prophecy also could be of Christ Himself that is called to bring salvation to the whole world. Since Cyrus was mentioned by name in the previous chapter of Israel, I believe it could refer to Him as the immediate deliverer of Israel at that time in history.
This verse is so precious. If only they had listened and obeyed His commandments. Their peace would have been as a river and righteousness as the waves of the sea. This is still true for all that believe in Him and keep His word. "Peace like a river, righteousness as the sea." There is joy and gladness in being obedient to God. Why do we resist so long? Eye has not seen neither has the ear heard the things that God has prepared for those that love Him. Why do we hold out and rebel?
They could be fruitful and prosperous, their seed abounding, their name great and their inheritance everlasting.
Again we see that even though judgment and tribulation came to Israel, they will be redeemed and saved in the latter days. He brought them through the desert in the past, He brought them through the furnace of tribulation and they will be saved. The chapter ends with a great truth, "There is no peace for the wicked." A wicked evil person is never as peace. One whose mind is stayed on God will have peace.
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