Isaiah |
Isaiah Chapter 54
The children of Israel brought forth much seed. Sarah was barren and could not bring forth birth to a child but she did. Through the seed of a barren woman came the Messiah in whom all who believe become adopted children of Abraham and children of the promise. The seed of the woman that is to bring salvation to the whole world is Jesus Christ. He came not by the natural seed of man but the power of God. He was a child of a miracle. Born of a virgin who knew not a man. Born of the Holy Spirit. Isaac was born of a barren woman who was past the time of life that she could bear a child. Sarah was even barren before she became too old to bear so the birth of Isaac was miraculous and made by the power of God to fulfill His promise to Abraham: That His seed would inherit the earth and the promises of God. Through Isaac shall the seed be called. So the descendants of Isaac are children of promise but it doesn't stop there. All upon the face of the earth no matter what their natural descent may inherit the promise made to Abraham. By faith in Jesus Christ born also by promise, born by a miracle, and by the power of God to bring salvation to the whole world.
Here we see that God truly shows the inheritance of the Gentiles. All who believe shall be part of the kingdom of God. Gentiles stand for those outside of the natural descendants of Abraham and are not naturally the children of Abraham or the children of promise. They through Jesus Christ can be partakers of the promise of Abraham and be partakers of the eternal life through faith. The old law was one of works, which no man could possibly keep; the new covenant is by faith in which we trust in Christ to obtain our salvation for us. He was able to keep the law and fulfill the law. He has the righteousness to be worthy of the kingdom of God but we do not. Through faith in Him and trust in Him to take our sins away, we can inherit eternal life. We have to trust in Him to receive this because there is nothing natural that we could possibly do to obtain it ourselves.
Here is a promise to the natural seed of Israel. They will not be outcasts forever but will be reconciled to God whom they abandoned for other gods.
They will be redeemed and brought back into fellowship with God. God is called the Holy of Israel.
Because of sin they were temporarily cut off from God.
In the last days before the reign of Christ upon the earth, they will be reconciled to God.
They have an everlasting inheritance in the kingdom of God.
When God makes a promise, He keeps it and is faithful to fulfill all His word. It is us who do not keep the covenants and promises. His word will come to pass and nothing shall by any means stop it.
This will literally take place. Many things have happened throughout history to try to destroy Israel and any believers in God or in Jesus Christ but they will be standing before the throne of God one day victorious over all the enemies who tried to defeat them.
There is an everlasting peace that shall come upon the earth, not by any peace treaties of man but by the coming of Jesus Christ to rule the earth. What a wonderful thought in verse 13. "Thy children shall be taught of the Lord." Those words are so beautiful.
No more will the enemies of righteousness oppress any believer.
There will be those in the last days who will try to destroy Israel and the believers of Jesus Christ but in the end it is the enemies that gather around Israel and Jerusalem to destroy it that will perish. This looks like the prophecy that foretells the battle of Armageddon.
This is not only a promise to natural Israel but adopted Israel (those who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ). This is a heritage of the servants of the Lord. This is our hope, our joy and our salvation.
©2021 |