Isaiah |
Isaiah Chapter 65
This to me clearly shows the gospel going out to the gentile or heathen nations. Nations who knew not God in any way began to seek Him after the coming of Jesus Christ when Christ was preached to them.
Israel became a nation that knew God but rebelled against him forsaking the Law of God given to them by Moses and rejecting Jesus Christ. Through their rejection of the gospel, the gospel was then preached to the Gentile nations, some of whom received Jesus. In the latter days it will reverse as Gentile nations fall away and the Jews discover their Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah their ancestors rejected. This means of course as a nation. Individual Jews received Christ. All the apostles were Jews as well as other Jewish followers. Individual Gentiles will be following Christ also showing us that believing and following Jesus is an individual salvation, one on one. Yes we know, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." We become children of God one on one but whole nations can be saved at the same time.
Many of them sacrificed to other gods and desired to mimic other nations in their worship. A faithful Jew or Israelite would not east the flesh of swine. It was forbidden in the Law of God. Seems like the worship they were following were among graves and tombs. Perhaps they were trying to commune with the dead or something along those lines which also is forbidden in the law of God.
A holier than thou attitude is never true righteousness. These described here not only forsook God and followed after the idols of other nations, they also considered themselves holy for doing so and holier than everybody else. Holier than thou attitudes cause one to think they are spiritually superior to other people by their religious works or rituals. Our desire should be to win the lost to Jesus not exalt ourselves above them.
Turning from God to other things, idols or desires always results in "reaping what we sow." There will be nothing to profit or gain from departing from the Lord. Temporary gain will eventually be lost.
The Jewish people are God's elect chosen to bring to the world the Son of God or Messiah that was to save the lost and restore all who believe both Jew and Gentile back to God. All people were separated from God since the fall of Adam because of sin. Although the gospel was given to the Jewish people first, only a few received Him at the time Christ walked the earth and Israel as a nation was temporarily cut off because of unbelief. Through their unbelief salvation has been given to the Gentiles. The Jewish nation is not forgotten though. The moment they believe and receive Christ they will be grafted back into their own original vine. Gentile believers are like wild olive trees grafted into the original vine.
Sharon seems to represent a quiet peaceful place for people who seek God.
This shows very serious judgment against those that refused to listen when the Lord called but instead did evil before his eyes. In 70 AD the whole nation was destroyed partially fulfilling the prophecy concerning Israel. However, they will be restored as a nation in the latter days. That also is partially fulfilled beginning in 1948. The reason the world hates them so much is because bible prophecy can't be fulfilled until they were back in their land. The old devil doesn't want the return of Christ or the return of Israel back to God. Anyone who tries to prevent Israel as a nation from existing is really fighting against God. The whole future tribulation period will be to bring Israel back to her rightful place in God.
It shows the Lord does make a difference between those that serve the Lord and those that do not.
Some think that this verse refers to the Lord forsaking the Jews and choosing another nation. However, bible prophecy proves that to be false. Yes, they were temporarily cut off because of unbelief and God did raise up others. The others are true followers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This does not mean everyone who claims himself to be a Christian but those that love and follow Jesus Christ. They do not take place of the Jews but add to them. A remnant of Jewish people will be saved. That nation will one day accept their true Messiah. Any of us can be cut off and God will raise up others to take our place too. We should not be high-minded but fear. The church is called to bring the gospel of salvation to the whole world. It was never called to take over governments and establish a forced religion called Christendom or Christianity. No, that hindered the message of the gospel when they did that. How can one force regeneration from inside the innermost being? How can one be forced to believe and receive Christ? How can one be forced to be "born again by the spirit of God"? It is impossible to force true religion. Only false religions use force. Romans 11
These words of the Apostle Paul should put away from our mind forever that the Jewish people are permanently cut off from God.
What a beautiful thought. A new heaven and a new earth. Glory to God. All this violence, sin, abortion, murder, sexual immorality, filth, pornography and other things that grieve our souls shall destroyed forever.
No more sorrow, pain, death, crying and tears. All will be rejoicing. If you don't like places where there will be singing and shouting and praising God, then heaven will not be where you want to be. He deserves all our praise and adoration. He will make all things new and fresh without sin and oppression.
A person one hundred years old will seem like an infant. If a person is a hundred years old and has not received Christ or is still in sin, they will be accursed.
No more shall people work and plant only that someone else will steal it and take it away.
Those that serve the Lord have his protection and blessing. He will answer their prayers before they pray. This is the time when Jesus Christ will return literally and set up His eternal kingdom that will not pass away. Nothing shall stop this. Get used to it. Things are going to change. There will be peace on earth and in heaven. God is going to rule.
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