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Proverbs Chapter 11
The word abomination means extreme hatred or detestation. God hates cheating and dishonesty in business dealings. In earlier times scales of weight were made with two sides. You might put a one pound weight on one side and corn meal, flour or sugar on the other side. When the scales were even that was considered a pound. If someone was to make the weight false, lets say only weighing 14 ounces instead of a pound but yet still charge the customer for a pound, it would be cheating the customer. This God hates. We will not excel in business if we cheat. The word gets around if we are honest in dealing with people. If one earns the trust of their customers, they will return again and again.
If we are never lifted up in pride then of course, we would never have to be abased or brought low. If we already meek and lowly in heart, then we never have to fear being shamed or brought low.
The invisible law of reaping what one sows is in force here. Sin will steal, kill and destroy. If we cheat, we shall be cheated. If we are friendly, we will have friends.
Here we see the final judgment of God when all our riches would count for nothing. If we are clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ, we are delivered from judgment and will inherit eternal life. We see also that right living or righteous living will cause us to live longer in this life also because sin and living responsively usually leads to an early death. If one lives carelessly, drives recklessly, smokes, drinks and abuses his own body or lives in sexual pleasure with no restraint, he or she is asking to die prematurely. This of course is a natural general rule. As with all rules there are exceptions. Good people die young also. We don't always know the reason but as a general rule many shorten their own lives by careless living.
Again we see the law of reaping and sowing. We see that by right living we live in a way that prolongs life. As I stated above though, there are always exceptions to this. There are things in life that come as trials, persecutions etc., that brings about an early death but for those things, we put our trust in the Lord and know that eternal life awaits those that believe in Jesus Christ and are covered by His righteousness. For the most part though, those that live righteously all their lives usually live much longer than those that do not. Wicked living will cause one to die younger by his or her own lifestyle.
If we have ever seen the cartoon about the road runner and the coyote that tries to catch him, we see a picture of how the coyote always gets caught in his own traps. This is a picture of how the wicked will be ensnared by his own ways. The saying, "Be sure your sins will find you out," is a true saying. That is why our merciful God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to us. He saw that sin was in the heart of each and every one of us. He saw that we needed help in order to escape the judgment for sin and enter eternal life. Sin separates us from God and causes natural death and spiritual death. God cannot allow sin in eternity. It has to be stopped. We cannot enter heaven and eternal life with sin in our hearts. Our soul does not die, only the body. The spirit and soul live on. It will enter either heaven or hell for eternity. Sin causes the soul to be lost. God sent Jesus to die and pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus didn't sin and didn't deserve to die for any sin that He committed Himself. This made Him a pure sacrifice to pay for our sins. The only way His sacrifice would count for us is if we believe this, repent of our sin and receive the spirit of God into our innermost beings. This saves the soul and makes us born again by the spirit of God.
I see God providing for those that love Him all through the bible.
If we die in wickedness without being saved from sin or without repenting of sin by believing in Jesus Christ, there is no other way to be saved. We perish.
Since there is no one righteous, we need to trust in the one who is righteous and that is Jesus Christ. He is our righteousness. When we repent of sin and trust in Him, we are covered by His righteousness.
One who is a hypocrite will be kind to one's face but be different behind one's back. This is worse than a person who will openly tell you the truth in person. It is better to be the same in a person's presence and when he is not around to hear our words.
I think deep down in all of our hearts we prefer those that are good than those that are evil.
All we have to do is read our history books if we find any that have not been changed by political correctness that is, and we will see that departing from good will destroy any society. Wickedness comes to an end eventually.
If we had the wisdom that comes from the Lord, we would never despise anyone. God's wisdom teaches us the uselessness of envy, hate and strife. When we truly understand His wisdom, we have peace and can hold back unkind words to our neighbors. We can see beyond what our natural eyes see and see our neighbor as God sees them. God sees them as souls that need His salvation.
This is hard for the natural man. The natural man loves to put others down and puff up one's self. This is a trait that we all are tempted with but we all should avoid. If we did as Jesus taught, and that is to love our neighbor as ourselves, we would avoid this temptation. We would not speak evil of someone we really love.
In a multitude of good counselors whose motive is for the good of all, there is safety. Selfish, self-centered advisors bring ruin.
This is similar to co-signing for a loan. We may end up paying the loan ourselves and running the risk of bankruptcy. I've seen this happen to someone I know.
Mercy is a gift from God. He is merciful and when we are merciful, we are shown mercy. If we are slow to forgive and hold grudges, it will destroy our own ability to receive mercy from God. Forgive and it shall be forgiven you is the words of Jesus.
Again we see right living succeeds where evil is brought down and judged. The only path to righteousness is to walk with God and the only way to God is Jesus Christ.
Froward is perverse or a reluctance to do what is required or what is right. It is being disobedient. This law is in effect always. For instance. If we break the laws of the land in which we live, we are jailed, fined or punished by death or a long prison sentence. If a child disobeys a parent, he or she is punished in some way. In the law of God. If we break His laws, we are punished eternally. If we repent and turn to His salvation through Jesus Christ who has already taken our punishment for us, we have eternal life. Sin brings death but Jesus took that death for us. We can now have eternal life if we are covered by His righteousness.
This is true and will always be true. Sin is coming to an end at the return of Jesus Christ.
This is an excellent picture. A pig or swine holding a valuable jewel would not know what he possessed and it would be a waste. A beautiful women with no discretion is similar. All I can say is, "What a waste of beauty?"
True righteous people will never desire evil upon anyone.
Another warning against stinginess.
Give and it shall be given to you. Above being a co-signer or surety for someone's loan is not really giving in a good way. Co-signing gets us in debt. That is not true giving. Giving is giving something you have to give, not giving the bank's money or even using a credit card. Give what you have to give without going in debt.
If one has abundance of crops and has a city full of people in need of those crops and he doesn't sell them, he would be hated by the citizens.
Only trust in God brings righteousness. Riches can be stolen, lost, and are of no value when the end of our natural life in this world comes. If we trust in riches, we are trusting in something that is only temporary and has not power over our souls. Once our body dies, riches are left to someone else. It profits nothing. Our hope is in God and His righteousness.
The wicked our even hated by their own relatives. They have no peace.
To win one soul is worth more than all the riches of Microsoft. Just one. Think about it. If one soul is brought to Jesus Christ and receives eternal life, it is worth more than all the riches of this world.
We reap what we sow.