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Proverbs Chapter 12
Generally speaking, this is so true, but when I think of the mercy of God that sent His Son to us to obtain for us a changed life, I see how the brutish can be transformed, born again by the spirit of God and made whole. Those that refuse this good way remains brutish and hate knowledge. We must never, however lose faith in the power of God to change lives.
If even after God Himself became a man to show all of us the way of salvation, many refuse this good way, they surely will be condemned forever having refused the only way out of the sin he or she was born with.
The tares will be removed at harvest and the wheat remain.
We use to hear about so many unfaithful husbands but I have seen recently so many wives be the ones who are straying. One a few years ago left her husband and three children for another man leaving him to raise the three boys alone. I know of another case in the same general area where a young married couple that wasn't married that long, had problems . The wife decided to leave and rented her own apartment draining their joint funds for herself. Apparently she had been planning this for a while and just left suddenly. Our hearts are being hardened by selfishness and the increasing lack of the fear of God. What remains are those that live for God because they love Him and love His word provided for us. Since the fear of God is no longer taught, those that were just living for Him out of the fear of hell are the ones that do not last. It's better to serve the Lord because we just simply love Him and love His word to us. Yet God is still the same. He is merciful and kind but He also is a God of justice and judgment.
In the long run, in eternity, in the end and even it today's world, evil will fail. Evil will be done away with and those that do evil will be stopped. They can fuss, try to silence the gospel, ignore God but in the end judgment shall come to each and every individual who ignores the law of God and right living.
The word perverse means literally turned aside or distorted from the right. People tend to despise those that oppress, rob and steal.
No matter how great we think we are, if we lack a way to make a living, it profits nothing.
Those that treat people kindly usually will do the same to animals. Cruelty to animals has never been the desire of God.
Don't expect to eat if one does not work for it.
We would be surprised to discover how the words of our mouth can produce evil or righteousness.
Usually a foolish person will not see himself as others see him but will tend to justify himself and blame society or others for his misfortune.
If we endeavor to speak truth at all times, we will not ever be caught in lies.
If we are ever deceived even once by someone in our acquaintance, we would most likely never trust him or her again. Even in business, if we feel cheated by a business, we tend to take our service elsewhere in the future.
This is true when we consider the final result and the end. If evil seems to happen to a person who is living for the Lord, the Lord is there to guide him or her through the situation whereas the evil ones do not have that comfort and assurance. In the final end, the those that trust the Lord shall forever have no trouble in eternity. However in eternity after the judgment the troubles for the wicked are only beginning.
God hates even what we call little white lies. It is much easier to just tell the truth. If we walk in truth, we don't have to wonder what we told whom and whether is is the same or different than the last time we talked with them.
There are many things better left unsaid. There are times when I wish I hadn't said what was on my mind and there are other times when I'm thankful for things I didn't say when I thought of them.
Our words can comfort and give strength to the troubled if we use our words wisely.
Jesus is the way the truth and the life. He is our righteousness and is the only way of true righteousness. There is no final death to those that trust in Him. -Dorna Chambers