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Proverbs Chapter 16
God is the only true discerner of thoughts and actions. We cannot rightly judge ourselves. We do need to study the word constantly to have a guide to judge ourselves by, so that we speak and do things that will be fruitful and work righteousness.
That is why we must judge ourselves by the word of God. If we don't live in the word, we cannot possibly judge righteous judgments. We will think ourselves clean when we actually we are full of evil. Look at society today. They are deceived into thinking good is evil and evil is good. An example would be abortion. Many think it is evil to try to stop abortion. They think it infringes upon a woman's right to choose. They call evil good and good evil. If we try to talk someone out of an abortion, we are considered to be evil. If we support the abortion, we are considered good. It is the opposite of what it should be. Taking the life of a little baby who is innocent and has done no wrong, cannot be right.
It is now politically incorrect to try to help those that live in sexual immorality that is contrary to the teachings of God's word, even if his or her lifestyle is dangerous not only to the body but the eternal soul as well. If we say anything, we are considered evil and full of hate. If we remain silent and support their lifestyle, we are considered good. However, daily I hear of many victims dying of disease way too young. Something is killing them. Adultery steals, kills and destroys families. We now have so much confusion among the youth, they question which gender they are. Society that leaves out God as their guide will end up like this. Evil is called good and good is called evil. Suicide among the youth is increasing. I heard of one case where a man's partner died of aids but the one living still will not change his life. He wants to see a sign from the Lord first. Yet if we try to say anything to warn them, we are considered evil. We want them to live, to be saved and inherit eternal life but we are considered to be evil if we try to warn them they might die young or be lost for eternity. I have an acquaintance who has admitted that she doesn't believe in warning anyone against their lifestyle but believes we should leave them alone and if they die its their own problem. So what is hate here? Is love having that attitude? Is not that a sign of hate rather than love, yet society says if we warn them, it is hate. We call evil good and good evil. One thing I have seen that surprises me. The church used to warn against smoking years before it was known to be dangerous to the health. We were considered legalistic for preaching against smoking. Yet it seems the church was right after all. Smoking has caused many deaths. Yet we see society continually bashing any person that preaches against sin or against something that is practiced or enjoyed by some in our society. Go figure.
Here is our safety net. Trusting, living and serving the Lord.
The day of judgment will come whether or not we believe it. Our unbelief will not stop this day. Our unbelief will not make God disappear. God is real whether we believe it or not. We can teach evolution all we desire but that doesn't change the fact that God created the world and the people who live it in.
This has been the downfall of many. Many leaders have succumbed to the temptation of pride. The pride of life is pushed by our society but it is dangerous in our walk with God. We encourage self-confidence but that hinders confidence in God. When we are full of pride, we will not repent of sin. Only repenting of sin brings cleansing from sin. Religious pride is one of the worst things we can possess. "But for the grace of God, go I," should be our motto. If not for God's grace we would not know who Jesus is and what Jesus can do for a person lost in sin. Though we join together with others who believe the same things and cast our lot in with the majority, it will not stop the truth from being true. Sin will be judged by God whether its the majority or the minority that does not agree with it. Wide is the gate that leads to destruction.
Evil triumphs when we lose the fear of God. The fear of the Lord brings repentance, light, good and it is the beginning of true wisdom and knowledge.
This happens over and over. Except for trials of persecution, that come for those who live godly in Christ, most of us will live in peace with our enemies if we constantly please the Lord in all our ways.
This is important to remember and it is the opposite of the prosperity doctrine. Great money and success brings pride. Pride hinders our walk with God because we are not trusting in Him but in our own abilities.
Learning to trust in the Lord is something every one of us have to learn step by step. To overcome doubt, fear and just not knowing how things are going to turn our can destroy our peace of mind. Trusting in the Lord brings peace.
If we allow the Lord to direct our steps, our path will be fruitful and our lives will count for good. If we devise our own way, we will fail to produce the right kind of fruit and our lives will count for nothing.
God is behind all fairness, honesty and good works even in business. God cannot bless and prosper a dishonest business. Sooner or later the business fails. Treat employees and customers fairly, and deal with them in kindness and one will see a prosperous business. I'm not saying one will get rich and have excess but he will have sufficient for his needs.
God means for righteousness to prevail. If a king rules in wickedness, he will be removed eventually. Look at the end of Hitler and others like him. They do not prevail.
Even rulers who do not regard God prefer people who do not break laws even if they themselves are tyrants. The reason is that it works better for them if people obey rules and laws. A good or wicked king does not want lawlessness or his own throne would be in danger.
If we live in a land where we have monarchy rule, we would be in danger if the king was not pleased with our ways.
Ah if we could only see and understand this. If we would only set our priorities in the Lord. His word is greater than all the riches of this world. His ways are better than the ways of man. To live for God is to love life. To ignore God is to play with death.
This is so true.
This goes along with "A soft answer turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger."
I would say sincerely that all sin starts out with pride. Even in the garden, the devil used pride to tempt Eve. She was tempted with the desire to have the same kind of knowledge that God had. She gave into the sin of pride in that she wasn't satisfied in being an humble follower of God but wanted to be as God. We are to desire to be like God in character and actions but we are never to desire to excel in power and be like God in that manner. Only God can handle being in charge. We need to serve Him, not the other way around. Believe me, we would not want mankind to rule the universe. Look what a mess we are making as it is.
If one ever spends time with a proud haughty person, it is uncomfortable. They make everyone feel lower or beneath them in talents and authority. Far better it is to be around someone humble who makes himself equal to all others.
This is because trusting in God to take care of things we can't do anything about, is healthier. Worry causes stress, health problems and does nothing to change any situation. Naturally then, if we trust the Lord we are happier.
True knowledge is given to the wise, the humble and the one who seeks for the right reasons. If we are full of pride we think we know it all and it hinders learning.
This is true in all walks of life. If we understand right things, it will cause us to be healthier, kinder, right with God and we can be a help and blessing to all who may be associated with us.
The wise will speak only when they have something to say. The foolish prattle on and on and say nothing.
The right kind of correction, the right words at the right time, and sound doctrine is health to the body and spiritual food for the soul.
We can think we are right but if it doesn't line up with God's word, we are wrong. Look at our society now. We have thrown out God's laws and we think we can live in peace and be fair to everyone. It isn't working. Our ways cannot bring lasting peace. Without God there will be lawlessness, disease and chaos.
If we have to work for necessity, we will work harder and more diligently. If we don't have to work and have plenty, we usually are not as faithful.
Have you ever noticed how trouble and evil follow certain people? Somehow the ungodly will find his own trouble. It follows him. Our lifestyle follows us. In other words, we reap what we sow.
This is so true. We can be peacemakers or troublemakers. When we repeat what one person says about another, we cause trouble between the two persons. Our goal should be to see people get along, not pit one against another.
A true neighbor or friend will not do or say anything that would lead us to harm.
This type of person does not care if his neighbor suffers but is selfish, thinking only of his own wants.
An elderly person who is godly is so pleasant to get to know. However, if I meet someone who is old yet full of deceit, I avoid them like the plague. They are disgusting. They are grouchy, unhappy and miserable.
One that does not do this makes a poor leader or overseer.
When one use to cast lots to make decisions they trusted the outcome to be the Lord's will. They cast lots to choose the apostle to take the place of Judas. We can be thankful now to have the Holy Spirit to direct our paths so that lot casting should no longer be necessary if we diligently seek the Lord and are led of His spirit.