Proverbs1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
Proverbs Chapter 19
Again we are reminded that to gain riches is not godliness. It is better to be poor and walk in integrity than to be rich and be perverse. Perverse means distorted or crooked. We never really gain anything of value if we are dishonest. Any gain would be temporary. We lose it all in the end.
Without the pure, holy knowledge of the way of God, things never turn out good. When one acts in haste without thinking first, he will usually end up sinning and harming his own soul. How many times to we rush into things wishing we would have taken the time to think first.
The foolishness of men are total opposites to what is right in the sight of the Lord. Their ways fret or fight against the Lord and His word.
One thing about being wealthy, we never know if our friends like us for our money or ourselves. If we are friends with the poor, we have nothing to gain materially so we can prove ourselves to be real true friends.
All lying is bad but when we deliberately lie against someone else, we greatly sin. Many have been sent to prison, put to death and shunned by false witnesses. In fact Jesus was crucified because of false witnesses. We never get by with lying in the long run. God hears and will repay all sin that is not repented and forsaken.
Actually people that are friendly when given gifts are probably not true friends. If kings and princes receive us when we bring gifts, that is not real friendship.
They are probably afraid to be friends with their poor relations for fear they may see their poverty and feel guilty that they are not helping them.
We can safely assume that this is speaking of the wisdom of God and the knowledge of the word. Truly knowing the word of God is like having a treasure that never runs out. We keep receiving and giving and never running out of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
We forget the the judge of all the earth sees and hears every idle word that we speak.
Those that are not use to having authority and being in a position of power have a tendency to become selfish and cruel perhaps out of fear of losing what he has gained. A fool may grow up among princes and be given the position of authority but it is a great waste and serves no good purpose.
Someone with discretion will not jump to conclusions and act in anger. It is better to lay aside the knowledge of the transgression until the whole truth can be discerned.
It is a bad thing to lose the favor of the one in authority but to gain that favor is much easier to live with.
Foolish children always bring grief to the parents because they feel responsible. A wife that is continually nagging and fretting is very unbearable.
To inherit property from our parents is a blessing if it was done honestly. Someone who has a prudent wife or a wife that is honest, good to her household, wise and fears the Lord is an even greater blessing to have. I would say also that to have a husband like this is also a gift from God.
If a man does not work and earn a living, he can't expect to eat. Idleness is dangerous and leads us into doing things against the law. Putting off tomorrow what we can do today is a good slogan.
I love this verse. To despise the word of God and ignore His ways truly lead to destruction. We all possess a soul that is very valuable. The soul is what makes us feel, love, and desire. If we sin, we sin against our soul, we could lose that soul. God made a perfect way for us to save our souls and that is by believing in the one He sent to make the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved from sin. If we ignore God's perfect way of salvation, we will lose our souls for eternity. The body is the only part of us that dies. The soul and spirit live forever in one place or another. If we die and are still in our sins meaning that Jesus has not had the chance to come and cleanse us of sin, we will be lost forever in eternal hell. To turn from sin and turn to Jesus for forgiveness and deliverance from sin is the only way to have eternal life and be happy.
We have forgotten this. To give to the poor is the same as giving to the Lord.
We must correct unruly children and bring them up in the word of God.
If we keep paying fines and helping out those who never learn and keep doing the same thing, it will keep happening over and over. There are some type of people that it doesn't pay to bail them out of trouble.
This is the opposite of the person described in verse 19.
This goes along with verse 20. If we hear the counsel of the Lord and receive instruction, we profit in the long run for the counsel of the Lord will always stand and never fail. It is everlasting and the only things that counts. Its not what I think that matters, it is what the Lord thinks.
A poor man who tells the truth is better than the rich one who lies. Our love is measured by how kind we are to others.
The reason this is true is simple. When our trust is in the Lord, any bad that does come, doesn't really seem so bad because our hope is in God. When someone dies, we know it is not final. We know that our God is a just God who will make things turn out right in the end. If our hope is in Jesus Christ, we will eventually have a happy ending.
He does not give and is so lazy that he does not even help himself.
The wise will get wiser but the scorner will never learn. Try to correct them and they will turn against us.
He that wastes what his father gave him and does not care for his mother is a great cause of reproach and shame.
There is the wrong kind of instruction that which is given by fools or those that tend to evil. Hear from the words of those with godly wisdom and knowledge.
We reap what we sow. God allows us to have governments that punish evil and protect the good. That works in our favor many times. The ungodly never appreciate good law and government much less the law of God. Those the love God will love His commandments. If we say we love God and do not have any interest in learning His word, do not really love God.