Proverbs1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
Proverbs Chapter 2
Hunger and thirst after God's word. Hunger and thirst after righteousness and we will be blessed spiritually and excel in the things of God. The things that count for eternity will remain strong within us. This is the answer to life itself. There will never be a need for alcohol, drugs and things that dull our senses so that we can't think clearly. We have access to the best. This written word and the Holy Spirit which comes to those who believe in the Son of God, have access to the best. That Son is Jesus, who came to deliver us from the sin that separates us from the God the Father. He reconciled all who believe this, back to God and eternal life that was lost at the fall of Adam.
This is the secret. Seek the word of God diligently just as those who search for choice jewels and treasure. Those things can be lost and stolen but the jewels that are spiritual and come from God are the real treasure that thieves can never steal from us.
People shy away from the word fear here but yes, we are to fear God. It is the lack of fear and respect for God that causes lawlessness and sin to destroy society. It is happening now all over the world. There are riots, wars, suicide bombings in many parts of the world, murder of innocents, abortion, infanticide, and the lack of respect for the teaching of God's word. All over the world the fear of God is dwindling fast just like the bible said it would happen. There will be a day of judgment coming because of all these things.
Those that walk in God's ways will stand when others are falling. They will come through shining in God's glory while those that ignore God will have hearts failing them for fear of loss. To those that trust in God, if they lose all possessions in this life, they are still rich in what counts. To those that do not know God and lose their possessions, they have nothing. If the poorest person in the world knows God, he or she is richer than the rich man who doesn't know God.
Discernment comes with true wisdom. Those that seek that wisdom and discernment will not be deceived by liars and deceivers. They will know the truth and the truth will make them free. One who knows the truth in prison is actually more free than the sinner who walks in liberty but is in bondage to sin.
Froward means perverse or unyielding to comply with what is right. They are ungovernable and lawless.
When one decides to follow righteousness and choose God's ways, they must maintain that desire and resist going back into the ways of sin. When one forsakes the good way and returns to sin, he or she is actually worse than before because they should know better. Having once known God and His word, to fall away into apostasy is dangerous and far worse than the one who has never known the truth to begin with.
This is an excellent description of those that reject God's wisdom. To follow the ways of the world is to enter the path of the dead. Strange women are not just women that we do not know or are not acquainted with. That discription is for anyone actually that flatters with their words to entice someone into evil. That person may have been taught right but have forsaken it and forgotten God and His holy word. Indeed, to follow that type of person will lead to spiritual death.
Once one dies in a sinful state they cannot return again to everlasting life. Hell is eternal.
This is true now and in the future. The wicked most likely will die younger than the righteous because of their lifestyle. When Jesus returns the wicked will be destroyed from the earth and in His kingdom will remain only righteousness. We can have this now without waiting a moment longer. The kingdom of God is now within those that believe in Jesus Christ as savior and Lord. Sin is cast out when we are "born again" by the spirit of God. We are made free from all sin and are born from above. The past and present sins are gone. We also have an advocate and intercessor, Jesus Christ to help us overcome the temptation to fall into future sin. We don't have to sin. Sin is what separates us from God and causes one's soul to be lost in hell for eternity. Jesus came to free us from that destiny if we just simply believe in Him and let Him come within us by His Holy Spirit and then guiding our individual lives as we walk in this new way. This is not a group salvation but individual. This salvation has to take place in every one who wants to be saved from sin and inherit eternal life.