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Proverbs Chapter 20
Yet, alas, people are deceived and are still being deceived. They use Jesus Himself as a license to drink strong drink not realizing how dangerous it is to indulge in alcoholic beverages. This has caused deaths by the thousands. When someone is intoxicated, not only can they not operate a vehicle properly because their reflexes are very slow, but their behavior in other ways is greatly impaired. It is practically impossible to stop them from doing what they want unless one is stronger and can overpower them with the use of force. Wives, girlfriends, children can be abused severely and no one to defend them because of someone being intoxicated with alcohol. You might say well its not wrong to take a couple of drinks as long as one does not get drunk. When we take that first drink, our inhibitions have become weaker so it is easier to take that second drink, if we are having emotional problems then it gets easier and easier to take one drink after another until we are roaring drunk. I doubt if what Jesus He drank is of the same quality and strength as what they drink today and I'm not saying that someone will go to hell if that take one drink. I can see with my eyes. I see the results, I see misery, heartache, sorrow and pain not only in the person who drinks but in those that have to live with him or her. It is very bad. Why take the chance? My great grandfather was shot and killed because he was drunk and tried to force himself in a neighbor's house uninvited. He would have never done this if he had not have been drinking. I visited a lady who had a problem with her husband's drinking. When he was drunk he nailed her shut in her bathroom. She ended up having to leave him and get her and her children to safety. Another lady lost custody of her children and they were scattered to foster homes because she couldn't control her drinking. I could go on and on. I do know that the bible uses the same word for wine as we would for grape juice fresh from the vines and I believe that when Jesus turned the water into wine, it was fresh grape juice. Knowing our Lord, do you really think He would have given them something harmful that would intoxicate them? Intoxication causes us to behave in a manner that is most ungodly. There are enough scriptures that condemn drunkenness and warn against drinking strong drink that we should use our heads and realize that Jesus was talking of new wine, that which is fresh from the vine, not that which is old and fermented. I've also read that the wine was mixed with water in biblical times. Notice Jesus instructed them to fill the waterpots with water first. We assume He turned it all into wine but how do we know. Let's open our eyes and see what happens to people that drink too much. Read the story of Noah after the flood, Lot and his two daughters after Sodom was destroyed. Those are two examples of the outcomes of being drunk.
I've read some commentators that have other interpretations of this verse but new wine is fresh from the vine, not fermented. Jesus said He would drink it new with us in His kingdom. Something new is fresh. I've read other comments on this but deep down we know this is what is meant. I love the taste of new fresh grape juice. I believe that is what Jesus turned the water into at the wedding mentioned in the bible. Still people will believe what they want to believe. Those living a sanctified spirited filled life will not partake of that which dulls the mind, slows the reflexes and causes bad behavior. Glory to God for common sense. If we walk in the spirit, we have the real Holy Spirit abiding within us, why do we need that which is called, "spirits" which I believe causes evil spirits to be able to effect our behavior when we give ourselves over to drinking that which is intoxicated. Call me legalistic is you want but I've seen too much damage alcoholism does to families. Traffic accidents alone is enough to cause us to think first before drinking strong drink. I don't fall for this designated driver stuff. When a person begins to drink he loses his ability to think straight and you cannot stop him or her from driving if they desire to drive.
Drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God. The best way to keep from becoming drunk is not to take that first drink because once we get depended upon something to sooth our nerves and calm our fears, we run to it at the first sign of trouble. What do guys do when they want to get a woman into the wrong kind of relationship for the night? They get the woman to drink thereby lowering her inhibitions. They don't want to get her drunk because that would not suit their purposes and drunks are not attractive in any way. They just want her inhibitions to be weak. When a spy or someone wants to get information out of someone, all they have to do is ply them with enough alcohol to loosen their tongue. If they pass out drunk it serves no purpose. It's not good. When we come to Christ for our salvation, God will give us a perfect comforter. The Holy Spirit is given to all that desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the living water. He is our teacher, our comforter and comes along side to help. If we would learn to trust in the Lord and run to Him instead of going it alone and running to drugs and alcohol, we would be a light and a witness to the world around us, heaven would be our final home and we would be fruitful. I don't need strong drink, I need the Lord and the presence of His spirit in my life. It is the better way.
If we live in a country that has monarchy kind of government, it would be foolish to anger the king. God raised up prophets that had to go before kings and they risked their own lives to obey God. God's authority is above the authority of any man but unless it is in direct violation of the word of God, we must obey those that have authority over us in order to live in peace and harmony.
We are to obey the law. It would be nice to have a godly theocratic government but until man is perfected that cannot be. We have to have separation of powers because of the sinfulness of men or women in charge or at the head of such religions. Only when Christ comes literally to set up His literal kingdom can we have a theocratic government. Until then we must be content with the Kingdom of God within us that comes through faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Kingdom now or dominion theology is a grave error thought up by those that become tired of waiting for the literal coming of Christ and think in their hearts that the Lord delays His coming so they explain away the literal coming of Christ and interpret it to mean that we are to set up His kingdom and the church becomes that which will rule, not the literal Jesus Christ. That teaching is DEAD WRONG. It has caused much persecution all through the church age when the church rules and unites with the state government. Read an unbiased version of church history. Many though go too far the other way and think separation of church and state means we can't publicly acknowledge God, read the bible in school etc., but that is not what the founding fathers of the United States meant. We need to observe Jesus Christ in our public government, or else the nation will go by way of all ungodly nations before us. Erased from existence. Separation of church and state simply means to allow religious freedom to choose and not use forced conversions. It can't be done anyway. There is a difference between accepting a religion called Christianity and accepting Jesus Christ as savor and Lord of one's life.
We are to avoid strife of words that lead to no where. If an argument is getting no where and just causing trouble, we must stop immediately.
When we state our beliefs, give our opinions, and speak forth that which is good and it is rejected, there is a time to draw back and leave it to God. No one can be forced into receiving the truth of God's word.
There are times to dispute and correct. Paul had to do that but we must not cast pearls before swine; if our words are just causing more disputes and they are rejected, we must stop and trust the Lord to change their hearts in His own time.
In the days when we had to depend upon ourselves to grow our own food, this would apply. In today's world also it could apply, if a person does not earn a living and we had no welfare system, they would starve.
The wise person can discern and find the truth, not believing what is on the surface.
Real faithful people are hard to find. Many who appear to be good are really not. They could be doing good works only to appear before men as good. God sees the heart and the motives.
An honest, just, fair, and upright person will be an example to his children. They will be blessed because they walk and pursue the same path.
We assume this is speaking of a righteous king who takes his job seriously. Even evil kings sometimes know that to have a united kingdom, they must punish evil doers and reward the righteous.
No way to do this on our own. For the bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Only by turning our lives over to Christ who God sent to cleanse our sins, can we possibly have a clean heart.
Great news. There is a way to overcome sin and live for God ready to inherit life eternal. That is through Jesus the Christ.
God loves honesty. One of the commandments Jesus gave was to love our neighbor as ourselves. We would not want to be cheated so we should not cheat someone else. We must be fair and honest in business deals as well as on a personal level.
People can pretend for a season but sooner or later the true spirit of a person will show itself. A child is usually up front at least when he or she is small and can be known right away whether they are pure or not. Sometimes we can tell what kind of character they will be when they are grown unless they encounter Christ and learn to walk in the Holy Spirit.
The Lord created our physical makeup but also He is the author of those that hear spiritually and hear His voice. Those that see Him by faith and seek understanding is known of Him.
Again and again laziness and slothfulness is warned against. If any man is able to work but does not work, he will not eat.
Before the purchase, he claims it is of little value but after his purchase, we esteems it something good enough to boast about. Usually we find dishonesty in the seller but here we see it in the buyer.
Here we see the real wealth that should be sought after. Instead of gold and silver, we should seek the knowledge of the Lord. Rather than the material wealth in this life, we should be seeking the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The things of the spirit last for eternity. When it comes times for us to leave this world, we leave behind all material wealth.
Better to avoid taking pledges or co-signing for loans if we want to stay out of debt. Strange women meaning women with loose morals who sell themselves to make money off men who are willing to pay for their services. The men could be left to poverty. In today's world we risk disease when we live in lasciviousness or unbridled lifestyles.
First of all God hates deceit especially that which causes someone to believe in things that are wrong and damaging to the soul. A person who deceives at first is glad that he got away with it but later, he will bear the fruits and judgment that comes when one has deceived. Sooner or later he will be found out and will never be trusted again.
Good counselors and honest people are a real blessing. In time of war, without good counsel and honest caring leadership, wars would be lost and loss of life is great. We need people we can trust.
Have you ever talked to someone who flatters you to your face but gossips and tells tales about someone else while puffing you up? Do not trust that kind of person because the minute they get with someone else you could be the victim of the gossip while another gets the flattery. Its one thing to encourage someone when they are going through a trial or compliment someone who accomplishes a hard task. People need to be uplifted and encouraged at times. This is not false flattery. False flattery is when someone is trying to gain your approval and friendship by saying exactly what they think you want to hear to gain your attention or sympathy. They do not really mean it and they are just using it to get on your good side. It is not done in genuine concern or love but with an ulterior motive. There is a difference.
Long life is promised to those that honor their father and mother.
To curse and bad mouth one's father and mother actually brings the curse on oneself.
They get something by lucky circumstances and they were not entitled to it or it was gotten by greedy planning or deception. Those that do not work hard for their money are idle, full of pride and try to get wealth by tricks and deception. They usually spend it hastily and end up in worse debt than before they got the inheritance.
When we seek to get back at someone or seek vengeance, what we desire usually doesn't happen anyway. God may not judge someone that we desire to receive judgment. We get in His way. We are not to desire someone to suffer loss but we should desire their repentance and salvation. Do good to them that use and persecute you is what Jesus says that we are to do.
Many times the writer of Proverbs reminds us that cheating in business will only hurt ourselves. We need to be people that can be trusted to tell the truth, to not cheat and love our neighbors as ourselves. Treat them how we would want to be treated. A person that cheats in his or her businesses will soon be found out. People that have been cheated talk to others about it and the reputation of the cheater becomes known.
We do not know ourselves and what our reaction will be in response to troubles or unexpected events. In other words, we can't trust in ourselves, we must trust the Lord for direction.
We must not misuse holy things or make rash vows and then discover, we can't keep them. I think of taking communion without acknowledging what it means and not believing in the one who died for our sins who is Jesus our Lord and Christ.
Even evil kings will desire law and order for his subjects because he knows that things will run more smoothly and his own life is safer than a kingdom full of chaos and law breakers. A wise king will have good law and order.
We need to take heed to our spirit. Within each one of us is a spirit that needs to seek God and be refreshed in the Lord. When we neglect this and live only for the flesh or for this life only, we harm our own souls for eternity. We were created to live for God and enjoy His presence. We need our creator. We need God. We need to worship Him in spirit and in truth. An extra blessing is when we receive Jesus Christ we are given God's Holy Spirit to guide and live within us.
Outward religious rituals and ceremonies are no longer needed when we receive Jesus into our lives and begin to worship God in spirit and in truth.
A king without this will be hated by his subjects, his danger of being assassinated is greater than one that rules with kindness and mercy.
Gray hair is a sign of wisdom having learned through trial and error the ways that are good. I hate to see people forsake the advice and counsel of those that already made mistakes and may have something important to say to us.
To receive correction and give correction when one is clearly in the wrong or headed the wrong way, is like a wound that is cleansed and starting to heal. It is a good thing. To refuse correction keeps this evil inside of us and will grow and feaster like a wound that does not heal. Dorna Chambers