Proverbs1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 |
Proverbs Chapter 3
Do we allow ourselves to wander and forget God's commandments? We must not. I know we are saved by grace and not by the works of the law. That doesn't mean, however, that we can forget God's laws. Being saved by grace simply means that we have a way of salvation through faith in Jesus without worrying about keeping all the rituals, ceremonies and observances the law required in the Old Testament. Now we have access to the spirit of God abiding within us so that the moral law is kept in our hearts by the help of the Holy Spirit. When we believe in Jesus by turning away from sin and trusting in Him, we become "born again" by the spirit of God. The law and the commandments now become written in our hearts and we have the power to overcome sin and live a life in the spirit. In other words, we are born from above. We can't be saved apart from Christ because that would require someone to keep every part of the law including the sacrifices, rituals and priesthood. If we broke it in just one point, then we would not be saved. Jesus came to make it a whole lot easier and simple. He puts the "want to" within us. We now want to live for God and we don't want to sin. We need to know the law and commandments though to realize why we need to be saved and what we need to avoid returning to. God is a holy God and our lives in Christ must be a holy life.
In most cases this proves to be true. To live a godly life will lessen the chance of disease and even accidents. Except for those who die early deaths for the cause of the gospel such as a martyrs death, this is certainly true for those who live godly. For those who do die for the cause of Christ, their reward will make up for anything lost in this life. In fact, anything is this life can never compare to what is in store for us later. Innocent people do suffer loss and have accidents that may not necessarily be because they have sinned. In those cases and in fact in any case, we have to trust God for understanding and not be angry toward Him. Real faith is believing in God no matter what, not just when we get an answer to prayer or when things are peaceful and good. Just as a husband and wife are to love one another in sickness, in health and in all circumstances, we must love the Lord whether we are poor, whether we are rich, whether we are sick or whether we are well. True faith lasts through bad times as well as good. In fact sometimes we need faith more in good times because of the human tendency to forget who is blessing us when we get comfortable. Then again sometimes when bad occurs people get discouraged and think God has forsaken them. They need assurance at those times that they are not abandoned by God.
Mercy and truth are great words. Mercy causes us to forgive and have compassion on others. Without mercy we cannot be saved ourselves. Jesus said if we do not forgive, the Father in heaven will not forgive us. Truth is another great word. Without truth we cannot influence others in right living. Truth leads us to Christ. Truth gives us the way to eternal life. Truth is the only way to walk after we come to the Lord. Lying and falsehood must never be part of a godly person's life. From here on out, we are to walk in truth.
When we walk in mercy and truth we will be in favor of God and man. The exception is always when we are persecuted for the cause of the gospel. I remember the story of Joseph who was mistreated and hated by his brethren but later he found favor among those that he was sold to. Even though he was cast into prison by a false accusation, he even found favor with the jailer. Later it all worked out to the good and the salvation of a whole nation of Hebrews.
I have heard some use this verse to try to lead people to trust in them instead of in our own understanding but that is false. We are to lean to the Lord and not trust in the understanding of any man (woman).
Verse 5 should not be quoted without verse 6. Verse 6 is the answer to verse 5. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct they paths. This is true and can never be doubted. In all our ways put Him first, take time to pray and study His word. Acknowledge Him in everything we do and He will direct our paths. We can't expect His direction if we never talk to Him. If we are always in a hurry and can't find time to study what His word says to us, if we only trust in church services once a week and never enter our own private closet of prayer, then we can't expect Him to direct our paths.
We must never trust in our own wisdom. We must look to the wisdom of the Lord. Yet how can we know His wisdom, if we never study His word, if we rely only on the teaching of someone else and we never spend time talking just to the Lord.
I believe if we lived right, we would even know the right foods to eat and how to rightly care for our own body.
Giving with all our hearts is important. If we are selfish that is how people will be toward us. We reap what we sow. If we give little, we will receive little. This is not the prosperity doctrine. That doctrine teaches that men should give to get. It teaches that we should desire riches and give to the rich. This is not the giving that is taught in scriptures. True giving is helping the poor, not the rich. This also doesn't mean we go to opposite extremes and either despise the rich and want to make laws to force them to pay more taxes and use force in giving to the poor. True giving is voluntary but also true giving is giving to those that can't possibly return it. True giving is giving out of compassion and not to be seen of men. Do all things from the depth of compassion and not just to keep laws. If we do these things, God will give to us our needs and we shall not be in want of anything that is important. This is not a guarantee of becoming rich in this life. Not everyone can handle riches and fame. If He made us all rich, some of us would die in sin and spend eternity in hell. Jesus warned us not to lay up treasure on earth but seek the true riches that is given by the Spirit of God.
Every time you feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit because of a sin; rejoice, repent and be glad the Holy Spirit took time to correct your mistakes. We would get into big trouble in this life if we didn't listen to the correction that comes from God's word and the Holy Spirit. Our attitude should be, "Thank you Lord for not allowing me to go on making a mistake that would cost me more later on."
If we saw our child ready to cross a busy street without waiting for the traffic to stop, we would stop that child if at all possible. I will point out though that correction from the Lord will bring us to godly repentance and He will give us power to forsake that sin and overcome it. We will not go back over and over again and keep repenting of the same sin we have forsaken. Sometimes guilt may be a result of the condemnation of the devil or a person who keeps reminding us of our past. If our sin is under the blood and we have truly turned away from it and do not have it within our heart to return to it, we must forgive ourselves, trust in the Lord, be filled with His Spirit and move on.
There is a joy in understanding the word of the Lord and finding the wisdom that only comes from Him.
This shows us the true wealth that is not in anything this world offers.
We haven't seen anything yet, but what I have seen is already is greater than anything the richest man on earth could possibly have if he is rich without God.
Now we know that eternal life also awaits those that have accepted God's free gift of salvation given through faith in Jesus Christ.
Sadly so many have forsaken this way and have adopted the false theory of evolution. It will result and has resulted in the lack of the fear of God. This is causing our society to deteriorate quickly. Without the fear of the Lord, no nation can last very long. It will destroy itself either by disease or violence. No matter how mankind tries to survive, they can't survive without the wisdom of God and without His presence. We are so stupid to think we can make it on our own.
When we trust completely in the Lord to care for us no matter what, there is never any reason to fear. If we die, we are immediately ushered into His presence. There is no death to a child of God.
If our neighbor needs bread and we have bread, we should never refuse. Do good when we have the means to do it. Give when we have it to give.
We can't expect to win our neighbors to Christ if we treat them unfairly and do not show them kindness. We are never to cause evil to befall them by our words of slander or gossip. Treat them in the same manner that we would want others to treat us.
Try to get along with everyone but never cause trouble for someone who has never done anything worthy of harm.
This is good. When we see the rich oppress the poor. When we see the rich have much and we have little, we should feel no envy nor copy after his ways. We have it better in the long run. If one puts his trust in the Lord for his substance, he is richer than the richest man in history.
Choose righteousness, choose God's ways and He will bless even the place where you dwell.
Grace is only given to the lowly. We have to humble ourselves in repentance and humility to receive the salvation that comes from God. It takes humility to repent of sins, admit one is a sinner and in need of salvation.
The foolish that never repents or makes a change usually end up in poverty by his own actions, in prison, in debt, in unbelief and bound for hell for eternity. A fool denies the existence of God. God has a better way for us. Read the bible and find how more. -Dorna