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Proverbs Chapter 5
Discretion means prudence or knowledge with discernment which enables a person to judge critically of what is correct and proper. It means to use caution in one's conduct. This is such good advice for our daily living. If we give heed to it, we will avoid so much trouble. Just use discernment and wisdom in all that we do.
This could also apply for a woman when dealing with a man of smooth talk and deceptive ways. Fornication is rampant in our society and it is destroying families. It will destroy society eventually. Not only is it a risk for disease but it deceives us. It makes light of true commitment that God intended for us to have. When a man and woman marry, bear children and provide a stable home, the children are far less likely to stray and fall into evil. If we don't do that and they children stray from the right path, they grow up and do the same. Soon a society has no moral values and no restraints. This eventually leads to chaos and lawlessness. Society then becomes tired of lawlessness and allows a dictator, usually an evil one to rule in order to restore order. The United States has slowly become like this over the years. Violence has increased. A Constitutional Republic is the best government in the world today, but it will not work without moral restraint. In other words, it will not work without God and the adherence to God's word.
This is what happens when we give in to evil. We lose our honor, the cruel and vain persons reign, others inherit our wealth. Our labors are vain and we lose all we have. If our words are good sound doctrine from the word of God, I would say to never depart from them.
Since mankind has existed, those that have forsaken the good way have always ended up in ruin and suffered loss. No society exists without God for long before it crumbles. The ones that have had the most knowledge of God yet forsake Him, usually fall first. Judgment begins at the house of God.
God hates divorce and is pleased when we marry once and remain faithful to the one we made a commitment to.
Again, adultery and fornication destroys both body, soul, families and society.
He will not only go astray but influence his children to do the same. Much that we see in the media, TV, and movies are also influencing children. The media has a way to make evil look respectable and cause good to look evil. We must not be deceived by it. Who would have believed that abortion would be legal and few years ago? The sacredness of marriage is badly neglected. Now we have some states making laws to allow a baby that survives a botched abortion, die. We have legalized infanticide since I updated this page. When we lose sight of what God ordains, we are the losers. We hurt ourselves. Sleeping around is considered normal without marriage and divorce is sky high. Where did we get this new morality? The media. Those that protest against the these things are considered bigots and hate mongers but the truth is that our society will be destroyed eventually if we don't put brakes on these things. Turning away from God only leads to complete destruction. God doesn't have to send judgment, we destroy ourselves. Without the knowledge of God, any society will destroy itself. Its like a building that is neglected with no upkeep and care. It will decay and suffer ruin. We need our creator.