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Proverbs Chapter 13
Some people will not receive correction and they neither repent by turning around to walk in the right direction. Those that are wise will receive instruction and live by it.
Those that live by violence usually end up being destroyed by violence.
Watch what we say, write and get involved in. Our tongues can get us into worse trouble than we could ever imagine. Here is one of my favorite verses on that subject.
What a victory in our life if we could speak by the Holy Spirit instead of our gut reactions.
We can want, desire and crave but if we are like the sluggards who do not work or take responsibility, we shall have nothing in the long run. He that is diligent and careful does not end up in poverty.
This is true in every sense of the word. We reap what we sow in life.
Right living keeps us from getting into trouble and suffering ruin.
I like this verse for it reminds us that true riches are not what the world thinks are riches. We can be rich in this world's goods and have nothing that really counts. We can be poor as far as the things in this life but be rich spiritually and right with God. In the long run, we are rich and the rich are actually the poor.
The spiritually poor does not hear correction and rebuke.
In the end when Christ sets up His kingdom, the wicked will perish. Evil, death and suffering will cease.
Most of our dissatisfaction, strife and trouble actually comes from pride.
If we work hard for a living we will prosper but if we get rich by deception, cheating and schemes that are questionable, we will suffer loss.
It grieves my heart to see so many despise the word. I see it constantly. Here is a few examples.
We are warned that the godly in Christ will suffer persecution. The name of Jesus brings offense. That is why there is a blessing given by Jesus Himself, "Blessed are they that are not offended in me." He warned that His name would cause many to be offended. It is an offense to tell someone that they are sinners in need of salvation. The death on the cross offends many also. The death on the cross was a horrible humiliating way to die. If we had a pot of gold buried in our back yard and knew about it, I doubt that we would ignore it yet the word of God is of more value than that pot of gold. In fact the gold is not worthy to be compared to God's word.
I could also say, "What profit is it to gain the highest education and obtain the best paying job if you lose your soul?" We strive to see our children get good grades, go to the best colleges, and seek the highest paying jobs but do we stress the greatest need and that is to get our souls right with God? What profit is it to go to college, earn a degree, get that perfect job, buy a beautiful home, and drive a fancy car; if we neglect the salvation offered to us through faith in Jesus Christ. All the above will be lost at the point of death and all will go to someone else. The only thing that really counts in this life is the thing we neglect the most. The word of God.
Actually to live a life of sin and live in ignorance of God's word is a hard life to live. Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Don't trust someone who is unreliable with an important message.
If we are doing something wrong and receive correction when someone points it out, we are wise but to those that refuse correction, it leads to poverty, loss of salvation. We warn so much to our kids about the peril of dropping out of school but in reality, it would be better to be known as a high school drop out than one who loses the soul for eternity. Think about it. We stress education more than the word of God.
We become like those we associate with.
The law of reaping and sowing affects everyone whether Christian of not.
Those that gain by greed or deceit will end up leaving it all to the just. In eternity the sinner will have nothing. All will belong to the righteous.
We must correct children to guide them on the right path. To allow them to make their own way is a mistake. We are all born into rebellion and need to be shown the right way.
The whole message is the those that pursue evil will lose in the long run. There is no way they can win.